Chapter 28

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"No stop! Dammit Hiccup I can speak to dragons!"

He stopped rambling abruptly, staring at you for a moment before moving his gaze to your forehead.

"How hard did you hit your head?"

You groaned as you took a step back. Was he serious? "Hiccup, this is not a joke, I'm serious! I can understand them!"

You motioned to the two Night Furies as Hiccup quirked an eyebrow. "That's impossible."

"It's not! I thought so too but I can understand them. It's the necklace." You informed, holding the necklace up for him to see.

"So if what you're saying is true, than how come the necklace is causing you to understand them?" He asked.

"I don't know, but it makes me understand them. Hiccup you have to believe me." You pleaded, taking his hand in yours.

Hiccup knew you weren't one for pleading, but when you did plead it was something serious. As he looked in your eyes he saw the desperation and knew that you were dead serious.

"Okay, okay. Just, how did it start? When did it start?" He asked.

"Midnight and I were exploring the island and as we walked, I had tripped over a tree root and fell through the bushes, rolling downhill into the stream. Then when I went to wash my hands, I saw the necklace is the water. Midnight had wanted me to try it on so I did, and now we're here." You explained, but you could see the doubtness swimming in his eyes as he glanced up at your forehead again. He still thinks that you hit your head too hard. "Here." You stated, taking off the necklace and thrusting it into his hands. "Try it on."


"Hiccup." You warned.

He sighed as he put it on, waiting a few seconds before looking up at you. "I don't hear a thing."

You looked at Midnight and Toothless who just gave blank looks. Hiccup sighed as he took off the necklace, putting it back into your hands.

"Let's just go home and have Gothi check your head." He stated.

He still didn't believe you.

You shot him a glare as you began walking away, with Midnight quickly joining your side.

"Yep, she's mad at me." Hiccup sighed as Toothless nodded, gurgling in agreement as they both trailed after you both.

Once you put the necklace back on, you were able to hear Midnight.

"He's just worried."

"Yeah, but he doesn't believe me." You grumbled as you both walked through the trees. "Out of all people I was hoping he was going to be the one to believe me, but instead I just sound like a lunatic to him."

Midnight gave a snort. "Lunatic?"

"Well he's acting as if I am one." You mumbled, hearing Hiccup trying to apologize.

You rolled your eyes as you pushed some bushes aside, seeing that you had stumbled across a cave. As you walked farther to the entrance of the cave, Hiccup was just a few feet behind.

"[Name], let's just head back. There's nothing here." Hiccup informed.

"Aren't you the one who always wants to go out and explore?" You remarked, motioning Midnight by your side as you both headed inside.

"I guess I deserved that." He sighed, as Toothless gurgled in agreement.

"That you did."

Toothless agreeing made your lips twitch up into a small smile. It then fell into silence as you all walked deeper into the cave. As the cave grew darker, Hiccup had walked closer to you, igniting his sword to light the way.

"Stay close, we don't know what's in here." Hiccup informed, as you four continued to walk.

After a few minutes, you all stumbled to what looked like a stream inside the cave.

"The stream must travel throughout thr island, including this cave." You informed.

What was weird though was that the water looked like glowing algae, but it wasn't. It was clear water but it glowed a bright blue like it was glowing algae. If it were glowing algae, there would've been a Flightmare around but there were no dragons around. The water reflected off the cave walls, lighting up the whole area.

"Don't touch nor get near the water, it could be poisonous." Hiccup informed as you nodded.

You four continued to walk forward, but the pathway went upwards, circling the water a bit before leading to another area. Though the path grew narrow, making you all walk behind one another in a line. Midnight had taken the lead, with you second and Hiccup third, leaving Toothless last.

"Careful you guys." Midnight warned, as the edge of the pathway crumbled away as you walked.

Just as you took another step forward, you had lost your footing and fell, hearing the others shout out for you.

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