Chapter 26

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After spending a few more minutes at the cove, Hiccup had to leave. Before leaving though, he had pecked your cheek before taking off on Toothless. You had stood there wondering what to do until you saw Midnight sniffing the ground.

You then whistled, catching her attention as she whipped around to look at you. "Wanna go exploring? Outside of Berk, just you and me?" You asked. Midnight nodded as licked your face. "Okay, okay! I know!" You laughed as she stopped. "I know we haven't spent some one-on-one time together in so long, but now we can. Let's go inform Valka so at least someone will know where we disappered off to."

Midnight let out a gurgle in agreement as you quickly mounted her before taking off. After a few minutes of scanning the village, trying to find Valka or Cloudjumper, you spotted Cloudjumper by the forge.

As you decended down to land, Valka and Gobber had turned their attention towards you.

"Midnight and I were going to head out and explore. I wanted to inform you so no one would think that we just disappered." You explained.

"Oh, that's alright dear. I will inform Hiccup when I see him." Valka smiled assuringly.

"Just be careful lass." Gobber smiled.

"Don't worry, I will." You stated, waving a goodbye as Midnight quickly took flight up into the sky.


After about an hour or two, you sighed as you continued to gaze over the ocean, seeing no island in sight. Hopefully, you would've come across on an island by now, but of course luck wasn't on your side.

Midnight grumbled as she peered down below, watching the ocean waves in slight disinterest.

You patted her side assuringly. "I know, I know. We'll find something soon, don't worry."

She grumbled once more, but more in disagreement this time. You weren't even sure if you both would come across an island at this point. What felt like an eternity, but only was just half an hour, you finally spotted an island up ahead.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" You cheered. "Up ahead Midnight!"

Midnight gave a nod as she beat her wings, flying a bit faster now, eager to land.

As you flew closer to the island, you noticed that the island was a bit big and was mostly covered in trees. Once Midnight landed, you were quick to take out your map and sketch the island quickly, before putting it back into your bag.

"Okay, girl. We don't know what's out here, but stay close and on alert." You stated as you both beagn walking.

Midnight sniffed and looked around with alerted eyes, using her senses to pick up on anything. As you scanned your surroundings, you didn't notice that a tree root was sticking up from the ground until it was too late.

You had tripped and fell through a bush, rolling downhill. You had tried to grab onto anything in your grasp to stop you from rolling, but there was nothing to hold onto. You kept going until your rolled into a stream.

You groaned as you sat up from the water, as Midnight flew down beside you, cooing at you in concern.

"I'm alright, been through worse. Odin must be playing games for his amusement." You stated, wiping the mud off your armor as Midnight snorted in amusement. "Just glad that no one was here to witness that."

As you kneeled beside the steam, cleaning the mud off your hands, you noticed that there was something shining in the water. As you picked it off the pebbles and held it up from the water, you noticed that it was a necklace. It had a gold chain and a clear gem, with a small stone dragon wrapped around it. It was beautiful, the way that the sunset rays reflected against the gem.

You wondered if someone must've lost it, or had dropped it in the stream by accident. There was no one else in the island, except for you and Midnight. And you knew that no one has been around for years.

As you gazed at the necklace, you felt a nudge on your left side. You turned to see Midnight looking at the necklace and then to you.

"What, you want me to put it on?"

She nodded as you shrugged. It wouldn't hurt to try, after all it was just a necklace. As you put the necklace over your head and let it rest against your chest, you heard a voice.

"The necklace fits you."

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