Chapter 39

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"[Name] who are you talking to?" Astrid asked.

Oh no.

"Um..." You trailed off.

"Yeah, you keep talking as if someone is there. Who are you talking to, ghosts?" Snotlout asked.

"Oh, are you speaking to Thor or Loki?" Tuffnut asked excitedly. "Tell Loki I'm a big fan!"

This earned a backhanded slap from Ruffnut. You looked at Hiccup, slightly panicking as he looked back at you. 

"Okay, is there something going on that we need to know about?" Astrid asked, raising a brow.

"No!" You and Hiccup shouted in sync.

"You liar! No one lies better than I do! They're lying!" Snotlout exclaimed.

Astrid crossed her arms, tapping her foot as she waited for you and Hiccup to talk. 

"Just tell them." Toothless grumbled. 

"Okay, okay, okay. Look, Hiccup and I...we...understand dragons." You sighed.

"Really?" Snotlout laughed. "That's a whole lot of lies I hear."

"Hookfang told me that you were the one who set the docks ablaze and blamed it on the twins." You informed as you heard gasps. 

"That's impossible! You can't prove it!" He shouted. 

"Hookfang also told me that during the night you run to the docks and stri--"

"Okay, that's enough!" Snotlout shouted. "But how- how do you know? Hookfang only knows that!"

"I told you, he told me." You stated.

"Wait, are you serious?" Ruffnut asked as you and Hiccup nodded. 

"Who gave you these powers?!" Tuffnut asked. "Was it the great Odin or the trickster Loki himself? Tell me!" He exclaimed,  shaking Hiccup's shoulders. 

"Look, we went exploring about two weeks ago and [Name] found a necklace that let her and I to understand dragons." Hiccup explained. 

"What necklace?" Astrid asked, as you took off the necklace, holding it up for everyone to see. 

"Can we try it on?" Ruffnut asked.

"Sure, but it won't work." You informed. 

The whole gang tried it on, but of course none of them could hear a thing. 

"How does it work? What's the story behind it?" Fishlegs asked, eyes gleaming.

"We don't know, all we know is that we can understand them." You replied.

You lied because if you knew you didn't, they would just ask more questions and that would lead to having to tell about the Night Furies. 

"If you want, we can tell you what your dragons think." Hiccup offered.

Everyone seemed to grow excited at the idea, and bolted out of the academy to fetch their dragons.

"Why did you offer, not that I'm against it or anything. Just curious." You asked.

"Well, I seen how my mom got excited when she found out. She was beyond happy and I want them to be happy too, and also to avoid more questions." Hiccup explained.

"Aww." You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. 

Just as you were about to connect your lips to his, Meatlug and Fishlegs burst into the academy, causing you both to jump back. 

"We're ready!" Fishlegs squealed in excitement, holding his journal in hand.

So one by one, everyone took a turn wanting to know what their dragons thought and whatnot. First was Fishlegs, which Meatlug had said she loved when Fishlegs showered her with compliments and when he rubbed her belly. Fishlegs practically squealed the whole time.

Next was Astrid, which Stormfly had said that she couldn't have any better companion and that Astrid was a caring person. Then it was the twins, Barf and Belch were a little annoyed with them, but loved them nonetheless which satisfied the twins. Then it was Snotlout, Hookfang grumbled about Snotlout being too cocky but would practically do anything for him, which made Snotlout tear up a bit as he walked away.

Last but not least, Eret. After hearing what Skull Crusher had to say, you smiled as you turned to Eret. "Well, Mr. Ferret. Skull Crusher says that you're a great companion, and a good caretaker. He says that Stoick was an amazing companion, and he says that you're as amazing as him and he was glad that you got to be his companion than anyone else and he wouldn't have it any other way."  

Eret smiled fondly as he scratched Skull Crusher's head. "Wow, I feel honored. Thank you."

"He says your welcome." Hiccup smiled as Eret left with Skull Crusher. 

"I think today was a good day." You smiled, watching the gang interact with their dragons.

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