Chapter 30

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The area seemed to light up as multiple dragons lit a low flame. You gasped, noticing that it wasn't five, nor ten, but what seemed to be over fifty dragons in the area. What made your mouth drop was how they lit their low flames, and you only knew one species of dragon that was able to do that.

You were surrounded by Night Furies.

"Hiccup." You breathed.

"I know, I know." He whispered in awe.

You both then began to hear hushed whispers and continuous growls.


'They should not be here!'

'How did they find us?'

'Why are those Night Furies protecting them?!'

'They need to die.'


You, Hiccup, and the rest of the Night Furies whipped around to see a Night Fury sitting on a boulder. He was quite bigger than the others, his bright blue eyes boring into yours.

"We didn't mean to intrude!" You blurted, hearing the other Night Furies gasp.

'She can understand us!'

'That's impossible!'

'No human has ever found us.'

'Or understand us before!'

'I said silence!'

Everyone grew quite once more.

'Tell me yound one. How did you find us?' He asked, looking directly at you.

"We- We were just exploring and came across this island. We had no idea that anyone lived here, we thought we were the only ones." You replied.


'She's not telling the truth!'

The leader then released another growl of warning, making the other Night Furies go silent.

'Are you enslaving these two Night Furies?' He asked.

"What? No!" You shook your head.

"We're not enslaving them in anyway." Hiccup added.

'They are!'

'Humans are an abomination to us!'

'We are not enslaved!' Midnight growled.

'These humans are our companions. They did not enslave us, we befriended them.' Toothless explained.

You could hear more hushed whispers but it quickly grew silent.

'Companions, you say? What happened to your tail?' The leader asked Toothless.

'I got shot.' Toothless answered.

'Abominations I tell you!'

'Tell me, how and who shot you?' He asked.

'Dragons were raiding a village, I included. This caused me to get shot out of the sky by my companion, but he saved my life in the end, and I saved his. To which he lost his leg. We've been together ever since, years now.' Toothless answered.

'And you?' The leader questioned Midnight.

'Since my companion was a child, and I as a youngling. We were raised and grown up together for many years.' Midnight replied.

He seemed to hum in thought as Toothless spoke. 'If you do not mind, may I ask what your name is?'

'Aro, and yours?' Aro questioned.

'I'm Toothless, and this is Midnight. Our companions named us.' Toothless cooed.

'I see. Now tell me, how can you understand us?' Aro asked, turning his blue eyes towards you.

"I found this necklace in a stream. I put it on, and all of a sudden I could understand Midnight and Toothless. We came into this cave and fell into the stream, which also caused Hiccup to understand as well." You explained. "I don't know how this necklace was able to make me understand them, but it did and I'm looking for answers."

'I see. Come forward young one.'

You hesitated a bit, but moved forward. As Hiccup went to follow to try and protect you, Toothless blocked Hiccup with his tail, telling him not to. Hiccup nodded, glancing into your eyes as he stepped back.

You gave him an assuring nod as you turned to continue walking forward. Aro had bent down to your level.

'Tell me, what is your name?'

"[Name]." You replied.

'Is he your mate?' Aro asked, motioning his head towards Hiccup.

You looked back to see them staring at you as you quickly turned to face Aro. "Yes, yes he is."

'The necklace that you're wearing has an old legend to it. Long ago, the Gods had out a spell on the necklace, saying that whoever wore it got to understand dragons but of course, they need to be understanding of dragons and had to had a deeper, emotional connection to the dragons in order to understand them. Humans of course were never able to understand dragons because they didn't have, or fit the right means. As you know that humans and dragons used to be at war with one another for many generations. No human has ever been able to understand us.' Aro explained.

"The only way for a human to exactly understand dragons have a soul of a dragon." You breathed.


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