Chapter 29

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As you fell, Hiccup dove right after you. As your body came in contact with the water, the gem seemed to glow brightly, causing a bright blinding light to explode. Toothless and Midnight covered their eyes with their wings.

When you were completely submerged in the water, your whole body tingled, feeling as lighting bolts shot within your veins. Your body twitched and serged with vibrations.

While opening your eyes, you could see that it was happening to Hiccup also, and you knew that if you both stayed any longer that you would lose oxygen. You tired to swim forward, but it felt as if someone tied heavy boulders to your legs and arms, making it impossible to swim.

When you swam closer, you saw Hiccup open his eyes. You both then broke through the surface gasping, trying to get oxygen back in your lungs.

'Are you okay?' Midnight asked.

"We're fine." You breathed as you looked at Hiccup. "Are you okay?"
You asked, holding up his chin as you checked his face for injuries.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" He asked worridly.

"Fine." You replied, gazing into his eyes.

His green eyes seemed to glow like gems. His eyes never looked like this. They never looked more lively or vivid before, it was breathtaking.

"Your eyes." You breathed.

"Your eyes. They're glowing." He whispered in awe.

"Lets get out of here." You stated as he nodded.

When you both swam to the edge, you both lifted yourselves onto the solid ground, where Toothless and Midnight waited.

'Are you sure you both are alright?' Toothless cooed in concern.

Hiccup's eyes widen as he gasped, making you and the two Night Furies look at him.

'Can you understand us?' Midnight asked.

Hiccup nodded, snapping his gaze towards you. "H-How is this possible?"

'The necklace.' Toothless nodded in your direction.

You looked down, seeing that the gem was glowing white.

"Okay, questions later. Right now we need to get out of here." Hiccup informed, as you all noddded.

You all carefully, but quickly walked up the pathway and entering another area of the cave. It was dark but you could still the outlines of objects and whatnot. As Hiccup took the lead, you trailed behind the two Night Furies until you heard a loud cracking. The dragons as well as Hiccup turned your way as you looked down, seeing long cracks beneath your feet.


"Don't move. I'm coming just don't move unless I say so." He informed.

You stayed completely still, but the cracking continued.

"Hiccup." Your voice was desperate now.

'Stay still.' Midnight stated.

"I am staying still." You hissed.

Just then the cracking stopped, making Hiccup stop as well. It stayed silent until the ground beneath you gave up underneath you, causing you to fall. Hiccup shouted your name as he quickly jumped on Toothless to go after you.

You felt air rush around you until you fell on solid ground again. You groaned, sitting up whincing as you felt your lower back and legs throb from the impact.

"Why in Odin's name do I keep falling?" You asked yourself, as you stood up hissing in pain.

You looked around your surroundings, noticing that it was a bit darker. You then felt shivers run down your spine, suddenly having an eerie feeling. You heard the flap of wings, making you look up to see Toothless and Midnight land. Hiccup quickly jumped off of Toothless and rushed towards you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, scanning your body for any more injuries.

"I'm fine." You nodded.

'Are you sure?' Midnight cooed in concern.

"Fine, just fine." You replied.

It fell silent but then you all herd low growling. It wasn't just one, it was multiple. Midnight and Toothless growled, Midnight wrapping her tail around you and Hiccup as Toothless stood in front of you all protectivly, back  arching as he released a growl.

'We're not alone.'

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