Chapter 18

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When you arrived at the forge, you greeted Gobber a good morning, asking if he needed help with anything. He did need help patching up a few saddles for some of the villagers, so you quickly got to work.

Some of the saddles needed to be repaired of the worn weathering or just needed a little fix with the stitching or some sort. Once you finished fixing the saddles, you came up to the front to give them back to their rightful owners.

Then some villagers requested brand new saddles, since theirs were either too old or were falling apart. When you made the new saddles, which was a total of three, you handed them over to Gobber to give them to the people.

You looked out towards the sky, seeing that the sun has risen a bit since you arrived. You took a rag that was hanging on a hook, wiping your hands as you looked over at Gobber who had just handed a saddle to a man.

"Is that all Gobber?" You asked, as you cleaned up and put some of the tools away.

"That'll be all lass. Thank you for stopping by and helping." He smiled in appreciation.

"Anytime. Don't be afraid to ask me. I'll get going now, see you around." You waved as you headed out.

"You too lass!" He waved.

Once you walked out of the forge, you made your way to the academy. When you arrived, you saw Astrid feeding Stormfly fish and Fishlegs complimenting Meatlug.

"Hey guys!" You greeted as they greeted you back.

"Where's Hiccup?" Astrid asked as she turned to face you. "I haven't seen him all morning."

"He'a still sleeping in. He didn't have any plans this morning so I let him sleep in. Plus he was exhausted from yesterday." You explained.

"I would be too." Astrid agreed smiling.

"Plus he needs it. I think once he wakes up, he'll be fine." You smiled.


As Hiccup rose from his slumber, his eyes automatically landed on a piece of paper that laid on your side of the bed. He reached out, taking it in his hands as he read it.

I went to the forge to help Gobber out, but by the time you read this I'll be finished. I'll be at the academy if you need me. Love you stable boy.

Hiccup smiled as he sat up, stretching his limbs as he still held your note in his hand. As he swung his legs over the bed, standing up, he automatically fell down, barely catching himself in time before his face came in contact with the floor. As he rolled over to look at his leg, he was that his peg leg was missing.

He furrowed his brows in confusion, wondering who took his leg until it dawned on him that the only person that came into his room was Snotlout.

Hiccup grumbled under his breath as he stood up, using the bed to support himself as he hopped over to his desk, checking his desk to see if he had any spares...which he did not.

He grumbled some more as he changed into his armor, using the wall for support as he made his way downstairs.

"Toothless!" Hiccup called.

Hearing Hiccup's call of distress, Toothless quickly ran in with Midnight following right behind.

Valka quickly rounded the corner hearing Hiccup. "Hiccup, what's wrong-- oh!" Valka saw Hiccup leaning against the wall, with his leg missing.

Before she could ask or question anything, Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Snotlout."

Valka nodded in understanding as Hiccup leaned against Toothless for support.

"Do you need any help?" Valka asked.

"No, I got it. Midnight, track down Snotlout's scent and lead us to him." Hiccup instructed.

Midnight quickly nodded as she began to sniff the ground, following Snotlout's scent as Toothless slowly followed behind, with Hiccup leaning against him for support.

"Oh Odin, watch over Snotlout." Valka chuckled, knowing that he was going to need it.


"You stole his leg?!" Ruffnut exclaimed, as Tuffnut rolled Hiccup's peg leg in his hands.

"Such a magnificent piece you stole from the chief." Tuffnut breathed in awe.

"Why did you steal his leg?" Eret asked Snotlout.

"He was being rude and wouldn't help me." Snotlout replied as he snatched the Hiccup's leg down Tuffnut's hands.

"That's why?" Eret asked, quirking an eyebrow unamused.

Snotlout hummed nodding as Eret sighed as he began walking away.

"Where are you going?" Snotlout asked.

"I see Midnight up ahead. I'm sure Hiccup is with her to track you down and I don't want to be involved." Eret replied as he continued to walk.

"Wait! Take me with you!" Snotlout exclaimed, running after Eret.

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