Chapter 59

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"Honey, time to wake up."

You whined, burrowing deeply beneath the fur covers. "Don't wanna."

She laughs, light and heartfelt. "And why so?"

"I'm tired," you grumble, voice being muffled by the blankets.

She hums thoughtfully, "I know, but don't you want to eat breakfast and go train with your father?" You whine again. She smiles, "If you get up now, I promise to take you to look at the dragon and the egg."

You shuffled under the blanket, head poking out. You eye your mother skeptically, "You promise?"

She smiles a warm smile, "I promise. But you must get up."

You move the blanket aside, kneeling up on the bed as she picks you up. "Oh, dear. You're getting bigger."

"I'm not fat, mommy!" You glare at her.

She laughs in amusentment, "Of course you're not. What I meant to say, was that you're growing into a big girl now. Soon I won't be able to carry you, 'cause you'll be grown up."

You pout, "But I want you to carry me, and dad too!"

"I know," she smiles, kissing your cheek.

You lean back to look at her, whispering not so quietly, "When will we see the dragon and the egg?"

There was no one else in the room, which means there was really no point in whispering. But she plays along and whispers anyway, "Later this evening, when the sun sets on the horizon."

"What's a horizon?" You tilt your in confusion before shaking your head quickly. "The mama dragon is so pretty! When will we see the baby dragon come out of it's egg?"

"Soon, honey. Soon," she smiles. "But you must wake up to see it."

"But I'm already awake!" You look at her, face scrunched in confusion. You didn't remember this happening.

She shakes her head, "Not quite so. If you want to see Hiccup, the riders, and Midnight give birth to her eggs, you must wake up."

You gave her a wary look, "But I wanna stay here with you."

"I know you do," she looks you in the eyes. "But you must wake up. They're so worried about you."

She leans over to place you down on the wooden floor. You looked up back at her, "If I go, will you promise to come see me?"

She smiles softly, "I promise." She playfully swatts your butt, making you squeal. "Now hurry along."

You giggle as you run to the door, reaching for the door handle and opening it wide to be consumed in bright light.


You slowly blink your eyes open, the dream already dissolving within seconds. You try clutching onto the dream, trying to remember what your mother looked like, and just like that, you couldn't remember.

Your body ached and when you tried to shift your body, your body screamed in protest, so you just stayed laid on your back. You turn to the left too see Hiccup sitting on a nearby chair, his upper body slumped on the edge of the bed.

You move your hand out beneath the blanket, reaching to place your hand in his messy hair. You run your fingers through his hair, which was soft. You assumed he must have washed up earlier or the day before.

He leans into your touch, releasing a soft sigh. He was quick to snap his eyes open, lifting his head abruptly.

You smile at him, "Hello Hiccup."

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