Chapter 6

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"Eret, do you might possibly know where [Name] and Hiccup are?" Astrid asked, hands on her hips.

The gang stood behind her, wondering the same thing. As Fishlegs looked up at the sky, he saw two black dragons, or more specifically; Nightfuries, heading their way.

"Astrid, uh. I think they're heading towards us," Fishlegs pointed upwards towards the sky, as the gang followed his gaze.

"Incoming!" Ruffnut exclaimed, as everyone ran to the side as she and her brother stayed put.

"Guys! Move away before you get crushed!" Fishlegs exclaimed.

"Eh, let them be. We don't need them anyway," Snotlout waved off, as Astrid hit the back of his head. "Oww!"

"Looks like they're racing again," Eret sighed, hauling a net of fish onto the docks.

"Don't they always?" Astrid smiled, seeing that you and Hiccup were neck and neck.

You gripped the saddle tighter, flying fast at maximum speed. You and Hiccup flew right above the twins just missing them by inches. The wind however, was too strong and blew them backwards, causing them to fall.

Once Midnight halted to a stop, you slid off her, flipping your helmet up. "I win!" you declared.

Hiccup slid off Toothless, flipping his helmet up. "No, I win," he declared.

"Nope, I did," you stated.

"No, I did," Hiccup confirmed.

You both then went at it, declaring who had won, which made the gang sighed.

"Not again," Snotlout whined.

"Fishlegs, who won?" Astrid asked, as she watched you and Hiccup bicker.

Fishlegs had his journal pulled out, flipping to a page that held all yours and Hiccup's races. The page was filled as he gazed down to the bottom of the page.

"Well, this time it looks like it's a tie," he informed.

As you and Hiccup kept bickering, declaring who had won the race, Astrid had shoved herself between the two of you.

"Shut it!" she exclaimed.

You and Hiccup fell into silence immediately as she waved Fishlegs over. Fishlegs walked forward, not taking his eyes off his journal.

"Well, from the looks of this race. It was a tie," Fishlegs informed.

"Are you serious?!" you asked, as he nodded. "Well, what about the other races? Who had won the most races?"

Fishlegs scanned the page, taking a moment to add up the numbers. "Well, out of all the races, you beaten Hiccup by one."

"Yes!" you exclaimed.

"Fishlegs, how many races has she won?" Hiccup questioned.

"Twenty," Fishlegs answered.

"And me?" he asked.

"Nineteen. Total races altogether is thirty-nine races," Fishlegs informed.

Eret then gave a low whistle, "I was at least expecting twenty-eight."

"They keep competing against one another that I can't even keep track anymore!" Snotlout stated.

"Wait, where are the twins?" you asked, now realizing their absence.

As on cue, the twins had walked up to you all.

"You left us to die in the middle of Berk? How selfish can you guys be?" Tuffnut asked, as Ruffnut groaned.

"It was part of the plan," Snotlout mumbled, which received another smack at the back of the head by Astrid. "Oww! Will you stop that?"

"I will win you stop talking," Astrid replied.

"Sorry guys for running you over," you apologized sheepishly to the twins.

"It's alright. We've almost died so many times that I can't keep track anymore," Ruffnut explained, as Fishlegs flipped to another page.

"Actually, you had almost died six-hundred-fifty-eight times and still counting," Fishlegs informed.

"I was expecting seven-hundred times," Snotlout stated, as you all looked at him. "What? I'm just saying!" he held his hands up in surrender. Astrid had hit him again, causing him to yelp. "Seriously?! That was like the hundredth time today!"

"Actually," Fishlegs flipped to another page.

"You always record everything, don't you?" you asked smiling.

Fishlegs then turned a bright red, looking down in embarrassment as he nodded sheepishly, "Yes."

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