Chapter 44

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The gang had taken quick notice of your's and Midnight's absence. They had no idea where you both went off to so Astrid decided to take it upon herself to ask Hiccup, who was in the academy.

The gang followed Astrid into the academy, seeing Hiccup talk to Toothless quietly. "Hiccup!" She called as she made her way closer to him, the gang not far behind.

"Yes?" He asked, looking up at her.

"Where's [Name]? I haven't seen her or Midnight anywhere since yesterday." Astrid explained, her hands on her hips.

"She left." Hiccup replied.

"Left?" Snotlout quirked an eyebrow.

"What do you mean, left?" Fishlegs asked, brows pinching in concern.

Hiccup sighed. "We got into an argument, and she needed time to cool down, so she and Midnight left Berk."

"Did she say when she'll be back?" Fishlegs asked.

"No, she promised that she would come back, but she didn't say when." Hiccup explained, as Toothless released a soft croon.

"She didn't?" Astrid asked, face puzzled as Hiccup nodded.

"Well, where do you think she would go?" Eret asked.

"Itchy Armpit?" Astrid guessed, her shoulders rising slightly in question.

"No, she wouldn't go to an island that I knew. Mom said she'll come back soon." Hiccup sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"Maybe she will." Fishlegs tried assuring. "She wouldn't just up and leave, right?"

"I hope not." Hiccup mumbled. Toothless had pressed his snout into Hiccup's hand in concern.

"What do you mean by that?" Astrid asked, crossing her arms. "What were you two arguing about?"

Hiccup knew that Astrid wouldn't let the subject drop. She was as stubborn as a yak, and wouldn't let it go until she got answers, and knowing her, he knew that she would force the answers out of him, one way or another.

"We were arguing over marriage, okay? She doesn't want to get married." Hiccup answered, looking at the gang.

"Did she say she didn't want to?" Fishlegs asked him.

"Well, she said that she thinks it's too early to get married." Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck.

"Then really she didn't say that she didn't want to get married, she only said it was too early." Fishlegs pointed out with a small smile.

"Do you really think she would just leave you? She loves you!" Snotlout motioned to Hiccup. "She's so in love with you that it makes me wanna puke sometimes."

"He's right, you know." Tuffnut commented.

"Look, if she's gone for a few more days, we can send out a search party." Eret suggested, which made the Riders nod in agreement.

"The problem is what if something happened to her?" Hiccup asked. "What if she and Midnight got lost or taken? Or what if they gotten hurt or stuck somewhere?"

"She wouldn't get taken, she has Midnight to protect her." Astrid stated, which made Toothless shift in his spot.

Hiccup saw Toothless looking at the ground as Ruffnut spoke. "She can also handle herself. I mean we all seen what she can do with two swords. Like I said before, she's a warrior. She can handle herself."

"She can." Tuffnut nodded in agreement.

"Look, if she gone longer than necessary, we'll look for her." Astrid stated. "We all will."

"I guess you're right." Hiccup sighed. "I have to get going though. Come on, Toothless."

Toothless walked beside Hiccup as they headed out of the academy.

"Do you really think that [Name] would leave though?" Fishlegs asked, as soon as Hiccup and Toothless were out of earshot.

"No, she wouldn't do that." Eret shook his head.

"I'm not so sure about that. She did seem pretty freaked out about the whole marriage thing." Snotlout crossed his arms, a small smile appearing. "A run away bride."

This earned a hit at the back of the head from Astrid. "She wouldn't run away because of marriage Snotbrain! If anything, a girl would run away from you if they found out they would get married to you." Astrid sneered which made the twins snicker.


"Why were you looking down when Astrid said that Midnight could protect [Name]?" Hiccup asked Toothless.

Toothless huffed as he slowed to a stop, glancing around briefly.
"Midnight's having younglings."

"She's having babies?" Hiccup asked, an excited smile forming on his face instantly. "Bud, this is great! This changes everything!"

"I know, but don't tell the others. Not yet, at least until they come back." Toothless crooned.

"I won't, I promise." Hiccup smiled softly.

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