Chapter 37

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That night, you told Valka what happened on the island, leaving out the Night Furies that you and Hiccup had discovered. You really wanted to tell her, and so did Hiccup, but you had made a promise not to do so. She was in complete awe though, just knowing that you and Hiccup were able to understand dragons. She had promised not to tell anyone though, which you and Hiccup were grateful for.  Whenever Cloudjumper did say something, you or Hiccup would tell Valka, which made her beyond happy.

Earlier in the morning when you had woken up, you had went downstairs to see that no one was there. When you took a peek out the back door, you saw Hiccup translating what Cloudjumper was saying to Valka. You always seen her smile, but this was different. There was a certain gleam in her eyes. You couldn't place your finger on it, but all that mattered was seeing her happy. 

She and Hiccup had to leave for a meeting, leaving you with the two Night Furies and Cloudjumper. 

"You'll be all right?" Hiccup asked, ready to leave out the door.

"Of course I'll be all right." You rolled your eyes smiling. "I have three mighty dragons to protect me. Protective much?" 

"Don't worry, your mate will be fine." Toothless crooned at Hiccup teasingly.

"Hey, enough with the mate. I'll see you later." Hiccup smiled, pecking your cheek as he and Valka left.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" You asked Cloudjumper.

"Me?" Cloudjumper tilted his head.

"Toothless and Midnight took off somewhere, don't know where though." You shrugged. 

Cloudjumper nodded, watching the villagers that past by.

"Is this what you do when Valka's gone?" You asked. "Just watching the villagers walk by?"

"Most of the time, to make sure nothing happens."  He glanced around once more.

You hummed, as you seen the villagers minding their own business. 

"I do have an idea. Would you like to join me?" Cloudjumper looked down at you.

"Sure." You shrugged.


"So, do I just...climb onto your back?" You asked.

You and Cloudjumper were in the woods. He wanted to take you flying, but the problem was that he didn't have a saddle. 

"Well, that's what any sane person would do." He huffed, teasingly.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." You deadpanned, as you climbed onto his back. 

"Are you secure?" 

"Uh, I think so. I've never ridden another dragon besides Toothless, or ridden without a saddle before. It's been years since I rode without one." You explained.

"Just hang tight."

Before you could utter a word, he shot into the sky, flapping his giant wings causing you to gasp and clutch onto the back of his neck. 

"Not so tight." Cloudjumper grumbled. 

You mumbled an apology as you loosened your grip on his neck.

"We're going up!" He rumbled, as he beat his wings, heading into the clouds.

Once fully above the clouds, you stared in awe, seeing that the sun was contrasting many different oranges and reds. 

"It's so beautiful." You whispered.

No matter how many times you seen the sky like this, each time felt like the very first time. It was just so beautiful and pure, there was nothing quite like it.

"That's what Valka said the very first time I took her above the clouds." 

"We'll, she's not wrong." You smiled.   

After spending a few more minutes above the clouds, Cloudjumper decided it was time to land back on Berk.

"Hold on tight." 

Just the he dipped downwards, doing a spiral, causing you to scream in fright yet excitement, for Odin's sake, you didn't have a saddle!

"Don't let me fall!" You shouted over the sounds of rushing wind.

"I won't."

Then he had flew upright, flapping his wings gently as he landed softly on the ground. You looked down to see Hiccup, Valka, and your two Night Furies were waiting on the ground for you both.

"I see you taken a little joy ride?" Hiccup smiled, hands on his hips.

"Little? It was more than that!" You chuckled, sliding off Cloudjumper carefully. "Except for the ending. I almost died!"

"She did not." Cloudjumper's mouth resembled a smile, causing Hiccup to laugh.

"Well, as long as you both had fun that's all that matters." Valka smiled, as Cloudjumper greeted her with a soft croon.

"I guess you're right." You smiled, scratching Midnight behind the ears.

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