Chapter 42

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When you woken up, you had blinked a few times to get your eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Dark, it was dark.

You sat up quickly, feeling a sharp pain shoot through your ankle. When you went to pull your swords out behind your back, you realized that they were gone. You then checked your waist, also realizing that that your daggers were gone too.

You stood up and looked around in panic, noticing that you were in a cell. You tuned around to see a rectangular hole, with four metal bars. The moon was your only source of light.

Thoughts started to swarm your mind. Hiccup and everyone else were going to grow worried, and Midnight. Oh, where was she? Was she taken? Did she get away? Your heart pounded in your chest as you gripped the bars. You had no idea where you were at, or who had taken you. You had no idea why. There was so many questions but no answers.

You had no weapons, no protection, and now just discovering that Midnight was going to have mini Night Furies running around, this had to happen? You wanted to yell, to scream for help, but you knew no one would help you.

Just then you heard a knock on the door, making you whip around to see a man. He was a little bit bigger, with slightly long black greasy hair. He wasn't buff nor scrawny. His build was a bit bigger than Hiccup, but he wasn't buff as average Vikings. Even through the dark, you noticed that he had deep brown eyes. You couldn't read his expression, he was emotionless.

"Who are you?" You asked, turning away from the window.

"That's none of your business." He replied.

His voice was deep, not too deep though. It was a bit raspy, husky, but not by much.

"Where am I?" You asked.

You were scared. You had no clue what was going on, so you masked your expression, you didn't let it show.

"Enough with the questions girl." He barked.

"What else do you expect me to do? If I have no idea where I am or who took me, I'm gonna ask questions." You told the man.

"Enough." He stated.

"Whatever." You mumbled, turning to look out the window, seeing the moon reflecting off the dark ocean. "Care to tell me who your leader is?"

"You'll find out soon enough." He stated.

Just on cue you heard distant footsteps. The guard turned around and stepped aside, nodding respectfully as the other unlocked the wooden door.

You turned around, eyes growing wide as you stumbled a bit backwards, taking in a sharp inhale. "No, you- you can't be. This- This is impossible."

He smiled a cruel smile.


Hiccup paced back and forth across the fire pit in his home, Toothless and Valka watching him in concern.

"She'll be back. Don't worry." Toothless crooned assuringly.

"I can't stop worrying." Hiccup shook his head, running his hand through his hair.

"Son, everything is going to be okay." Valka assured him.

"She promised that she'll come back." Said Hiccup, stopping his pacing to look at his mother. "She should be back by now."

"Did she say when she'll be back?" Valka rose a brow in question.

"No." Hiccup sighed, his shoulders deflating.

"Then maybe she decided to get away for the night. She was overwhelmed by the news, she need a break." Valka told him. "She'll be back in no time." She placed her hands on his shoulders.

"I hope so." He sighed.

"She will." Toothless crooned.


Your heart pounded furiously in your chest as the man walked towards you. You flaten youself against the brick wall, frighten for your life. Your body trembled in fear, hands beginning to sweat. Even after all this time, he still haunted you in your dreams, and now he was here, in flesh and blood.

You couldn't think of anything, but his name had escaped your lips in a whisper. "Drago."

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