Chapter 11

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Snotlout then turned his burning gaze towards you. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but I would. Try me," you challenged.

Snotlout kept glaring at you as he turned his head to the side, pouting.

Eret chuckled shaking his head, a smile sketched on his lips. "You're quite terrifying."

"I'll take that as a compliment," you smiled, "thank you."

"It's dangerous enough that we have Astrid," he added, shaking his head once more.

"Why thank you," Astrid smiled.

Hiccup then came in, sitting across from Eret, sitting by Snotlout. "Sorry I'm late," Hiccup apologized.

"It's alright," you smiled, winking at him.

"Oh, what about Eret and Snotlout?" Ruffnut asked.

"What am I missing?" Hiccup questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"We're seeing who would win in an arm wrestling match," Fishlegs informed, as Hiccup nodded.

"No doubt Eret," Tuff stated, as Snotlout shot him a glare.

"Tuff!" Snotlout exclaimed.

"What? Just saying the truth," Tuffnut smiled.

"If you're so sure that you'll win, why don't you give it a shot?" Astrid grinned.

"Yeah, unless you're scared," you smiled.

"I am not," Snotlout defended.

"Than give it a go!" Ruffnut motioned towards Eret.

Snotlout seemed hesitant, but nonetheless positioned his elbows on the table as Eret did the same, gripping Snotlout's hand. Astrid seemed to really enjoy this, and as she was about to yell 'go', Valka walked up to the table greeting you all.

Snotlout stood abruptly, losing Eret's firm grip. "I just remembered! I need go feed Hookfang," Snotlout smiled nervously,  as he quickly left the table.

"Did he just..."

"He just did," you answered Astrid, "he's trying to save the last bit of his pride."

Hiccup couldn't help but chuckle as he looked up at his mom, "Hi mom."

You all greeted her as well as she smiled. "Hello. I just came by to tell you that I'm heading home."

"You want me to walk you?" Hiccup offered.

"Oh no I'm fine. I have Cloudjumper to keep me company," Valka smiled.

"Are you sure?" you asked, as she nodded.

"I'm sure. Goodnight," she waved, as you all bid her a goodnight as she walked away.

"Okay, how about [Name] and Astrid?" Tuffnut questioned, scanning everyone at the table.

Everyone went silent think who would win. You both were strong and fierce, and you both were so similar, yet different at the same time.

"Oh, that's hard," Eret rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Fishlegs?" Hiccup questioned.

"I don't even-- they are both so strong and similar in many ways I can't-- I don't...know," Fishlegs sighed in defeat, hating not knowing.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Ruffnut asked. "Let's get to it!"

You then stood and walked around the table, taking Snotlout's previous spot next to Hiccup as you sat in front of Astrid. You positioned your elbow on the table as Astrid did the same, gripping your hand firmly.

Tuffnut then leaned in as he began to talk lowly. "This here, is the most dangerous arm match ever encountered in history. Who will win? The fearless Astrid? Or the brave and-- oww!"

Tuffnut rubbed his head as Ruffnut rolled her eyes. "Shut up and be quiet!"

"Okay," Fishlegs smiled. "Ready...set...go!"

Astrid's gripped tighten as she tried to force your hand down, but you wouldn't give her the satisfaction. Everyone watched waiting to see who would win, even Midnight and Toothless were watching in curiosity.

Your arm muscles contracted and flexed, as you and Astrid struggled. Just then, your arm went backwards and hit the table with force.

You blinked as Astrid turned and yelled, "Snotlout!"

"Hey, I'm helping you win!" he defended, as he retrieved his hand back, as he took off running, with Astrid hot on his heels.

"I'll guess we'll never know who would've won the most bloodiest war in history," Tuffnut sighed, earning another hit at the back of the head by his sister.

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