Chapter 9

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"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted angrily, which made Hiccup chuckle.

"Sorry Astrid," he chuckled once again.

As Hiccup flew over, trying to get his sheep into his net, Fishlegs quickly snatched the sheep from Toothless' claws. Fishlegs laughed as Toothless' eyes widen as he looked at his now empty claws.

As Fishlegs laughed, Barf and Belch flew upside down above Fishlegs, causing Tuffnut to reach down and snatch the black sheep from Fishlegs.

"Deep apologies for taking your prize treasure, but I believe this is mine," Tuffnut chuckled as Barf and Belch flew upright.

Ruffnut rolled her eyes, "Give me the sheep."

"No, it's mine!" Tuffnut exclaimed.

"No, mine!" Ruffnut exclaimed, reaching over to try to take away the sheep.

"No, mine!" Snotlout snatched the black sheep away from the twins laughing.

"Now it's mine!" Astrid exclaimed, taking the black sheep from Snotlout's arms.

"No fair!" Snotlout pouted, as he and the gang flew after her.

"C'mon Stormfly!" Astrid encouraged, as Stormfly flew faster.

Astrid maneuvered in between houses, she had lost the gang one by one. She smiled in triumphant as she flew around a pillar, heading back towards the nets. Just then, Toothless flew right beside Stormfly unexpectedly, causing Astrid to loosen her grip on the sheep. Taking the opportunity, Hiccup snatched the sheep into his arms.

Hiccup chuckled, shaking his head as he saw Astrid's angry expression. As he gazed around, he now realized that you weren't there. Then, another night fury screech was heard, as well as a plasma blast was shot into the air. Taking the opportunity, you jumped off Midnight who had flown unexpectedly from besides Toothless, trying to reach Hiccup and Toothless, only to miss them as you began to fall.

People gasped loudly, seeing that Midnight wasn't there to catch you, nonetheless, see if you plummeted to the ground.

Hiccup then leaned to the side a bit, smiling. "You got her bud?"

Toothless then looked down, seeing you hanging upside down as he clutched onto your leg. Toothless gave you a gummy smile as you returned one in return. Once Toothless saw Midnight fly under you, he dropped you, causing you to land back on the saddle.

"Thanks Toothless!" you shouted.

As Hiccup leaned to the side once again, he noticed that you were gone again once more. As Hiccup was distracted, Midnight flew overhead, you gave her a pat on the head, rubbing it slightly.

"Wish me luck," you smiled, as you jumped, diving straight towards Hiccup.

Once you were close, you snatched the sheep, spiralling downwards to the ground. After a few moments you pulled the lever from your leg, opening up your wings. You laughed as you flew towards the nets. Midnight flew under you, shooting a plasma blast to keep you flying upright. As you grew close, you closed your wings, running across the platform, dunking the sheep in your net, and jumping off the platform, landing back onto Midnight.

The crowd went wild, jumping up and cheering loudly as Midnight shot another plasma blast to celebrate your victory.


After the arena cleared up, you were back inside the academy, washing off Midnight's paint off as the gang, Hiccup included, walked inside the academy.

"I'll give it to you, that was an epic win," Astrid smiled, getting a soapy bucket, as well as the others.

"Why thank you," you smiled, softly scrubbing Midnight's head.

"You did great mi'lady," Hiccup complimented, pecking your cheek as he got a soapy bucket himself.

"I know, especially since I got to beat the Oh-So-Great-Dragon-Master," you smiled, as you began to scrub Midnight's legs.

"You just got lucky," he replied, as he began to scrub Toothless off.

"Are you sure it was just luck? Because if you haven't noticed, I beat you twice today," you smirked, as the gang 'oohed'.

"For your information, you beat me once, this morning was a tie," he pointed out.

You raised a brow. "I still beat you, as Fishlegs said, I'm one ahead of you at racing."

"Okay, okay! So maybe it wasn't luck," he corrected himself.

"I thought so," you smiled.

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