Chapter 34

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Once you arrived at the cove, Midnight sat back, licking her foot as she began to run it on her face, trying to get the paint off. You sat the edge of the grass, leaning over to splatter water on your face as well as Hiccup. 

"So, care to tell me why you decided to put paint on my face this morning?" You asked, as you continued to splatter water on your face. 

He couldn't help but laugh. "I wanted to try and ease up all the tension and stress, and plus you said we had things to look forward to, and I looked forward to this." 

"Of course you did." You scoffed, dunking your head in the water, trying to wash out the paint. 

"Here, let me." He smiled, as he began to wash out the paint out of your hair. After a few minutes he stopped, letting you ring out your hair. "Can you help me with mine?" He asked, pointing to his hair. 

"Of course." You smiled, as you directed him to dunk his hair in the water.

He did so, only leaving a bit of room to breath as you ran your hands through his hair, watching the water change colors as you washed away the paint. Once you were done, he sat up shaking his head side to side, letting water fly everywhere. 

"What are you, an animal?" You asked, chuckling as you shielded yourself away from the water droplets. 

"No." He chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair. 

"I hope you know I'm getting you back." You told him.

"I know that. We'll see how lame you could be." He smiled.

"Hey!" You pushed the button on his chest, causing his back fin to pop out.

"Hey!" He exclaimed. You laughed as you set his back fin in place. "I'm beginning to second guess if my actions were really worth it." 

You smirked. "Oh, you'll see when my plan goes into action."

"Should I be scared?" He asked. 

"Well, if you knew me. You would know." You winked.


As you both made it home, you changed into a green wool sweater and another pair of leggings as Hiccup scrubbed off as much paint as he could off his armor before the meeting. 

"I hope you know, you did this to yourself." You smiled, watching him scrub away the paint.

You both were sitting at the table, with a bucket of soapy water as Hiccup used a rag to scrub off the paint. 

"Yeah, I know." He sighed. "It sorta backfired."

"That it did." You chuckled. "Don't let the regret settle in though, I still need to set my plan in action."

"Can we just drop the whole thing?" He asked, scrubbing the front of his armor.

"Why? So I don't have to get you back?" You asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"...yes." He nodded, as you smiled.

"Tsk, tsk. That wouldn't be fair now would it? You're all about playing fair so I should get my fair of share." You grinned.

He looked up at you pleadingly. "You're gonna make me regret this, aren't you?" 

"Yes, yes I am." You smiled. 

He groaned silently, making you chuckle as he stood. "Well, that'll have to do for now. I'll clean the rest later tonight. I'll see you later." He pecked your cheek as he held his armor. 

"You too, bye." You waved as he and Toothless left. 

You then stood, taking the bucket and rag as you headed out the back door, dumping out the water and ringing out the rag. You then set the bucket and rag down in the sunlight to dry off, before heading back inside, seeing Midnight was staring out in a daze.

"What's on your mind?" You asked Midnight, walking over and sitting down in front of her. 

She blinked a few times, breaking out of her little trance. "Just thinking. In the cave, you said that Hiccup was your mate, yes?"

You felt your cheeks flush. "Uh, yeah. Isn't that what you dragons use when two dragons get together?"

"Well. yes. But the point is, usually when we claim our mate, we mate. Why haven't you both done it yet?"

You felt as if your cheeks were burning. Was she serious? "Well, us humans don't mate right away. We won't for awhile, a long while- okay, enough about Hiccup and I."

"Your human mating rituals are so weird." Midnight crooned.

"Yeah, well, we aren't animals. Why haven't you and Toothless, you know, got together?" You asked. 

Midnight looked away, she seemed shy. "I don't know."

You both then went silent, leaving it like that.

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