Chapter 15

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With one quick movement, you lifted the bush with your sword, seeing a terrible terror looking up at you with wide, blinking eyes.

Valka laughed softly as she lowered her staff. "Oh, my."

You glared at the little creature as it tilted its head, still looking up at you. "Of course. Okay, you can go now, scram," you shooed as it just sat there. "Shoo, go away. Scram," you shooed again, but it still didn't move. "Stubborn creature. Midnight."

Without saying anything else, Midnight shot a small plasma blast, causing the little terror to run back into the bushes. Midnight then bounded towards you as you scratched behind her ears in appreciation.

"Atta girl," you beamed, as Midnight cooed as she ran back over to Cloudjumper.

"Those terrors are stubborn creatures. I remember when I was younger, when I used to fish, those terrors would quickly run over and snatch the fish from the basket and scurry off. I would chase them all around trying to get them back as Midnight chased them also," you explained, smiling as you shook your head.

"Oh, Stoick would say the same thing. Out of all the dragons, the terrors would irritate him the most. They would just stare at him and even have the nerve to steal his fish," Valka smiled.

"Really?" you asked, as you both kept walking through the trees.

"Oh, yes. Those terrors weren't afraid of him, unless he let out a battle cry to make them scurry away," Valka explained, her smile fading a bit as she looked down.

"You miss him?" you asked softly.

"Oh greatly," she answered. "I miss him more than anything in the world."

"You gave a nod, as you avoided walking over rocks and roots. "I know how that feels."

"You miss them?" she asked.

You knew she was referring to your parents as you nodded. "Yeah, I would do anything to see them again. Worst part is, I think I'm beginning to forget what they look like," you sighed as Valka looked up at you. "I was too small that night, just a little girl. It's been years now, I know soon that I'll forget what they look like. Their faces are just a blur in my memory. I know that I won't forget them entirely, because they always be in my heart," you smiled faintly, looking up at the sky, seeing that it was mid-day. "Well, I think we should be heading back. We don't wanna be too late. If we leave now, we'll get back around late noon."

"I think that's a good idea." Valka agreed.


When you both made it back, you both had landed in the center of Berk, where the gang including Gobber were at.

"Well, did you both have fun on your little trip?" Astrid asked, as you dismounted off of Midnight.

"Yeah, we did. Nothing too crazy, what about you guys?" you asked.

"Very eventful," Gobber replied.

"How so?" you asked, quirking a brow.

"Oh, the twins burned down a few houses," Snotlout replied, as he looked at his nails casually.

"What?!" you exclaimed.

"Don't forget that Hiccup searched all over for you two," Ruffnut added. "And by the way, you set the docks on fire."

"Search for us?" Valka asked in confusion.

"Oh, yeah," Tuffnut nodded, "he was late to a meeting looking for the both of you," he pointed to you and Valka. "And people say us twins are irresponsible."

"You burnt down houses! That is irresponsible!" you exclaimed.

"Typically, it was Hookfang's fault," Ruffnut pointed out.

"Hey! Do not put this on Hookfang!" Snotlout pointed at the twins. "You both wouldn't stop messing around and you set explosions all over the place."

"See? Irresponsible. I hope you suffered your consequences," you stated.

"Oh, they did. I sent them to clean the dragon pens," Astrid crossed her arms.

"Just a quick warning: Hiccup is not happy," Eret warned.

Just as you were about to speak, you seen that everyone's eyes had shifted behind you. Just as you were about to ask what was wrong, you heard someone clearing their throat behind you.

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