Chapter 36

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When you both went home, Hiccup looked around and noticed that Toothless and Midnight were gone. 

"Where did they go?" Hiccup questioned, scanning the room.

"That's why I wanted you to come home. I haven't seen them. I don't want to overthink anything but they've never done this before." You sighed, rubbing your forehead.

"Maybe they're just playing around somewhere and lost track of time." Hiccup shrugged.

You knew that he was worried also, after all you both were really close to your dragons, but he wanted to stay calm so you would stay calm too. 

"Hiccup, what if something happened to them? We can't just go out there and look for them, it's dark." You told him. "They would be harder to find during the night."

"We'll wait for a little bit, and if they don't come back we'll send out a search party." Hiccup informed as he placed his hands on your shoulders. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise."

You nodded with a sigh. It was very out of character for them. Yes, they did go out on their own but they haven't been back for awhile, and night had already fallen. Just then you heard pawing at the door. You bolted towards the door, ripping it open to see Toothless and Midnight.

"There you are! Where in Thor's name have you been?" You asked, shutting the door as Toothless and Midnight walked to the fireplace. 

"We were out in the woods and lost track of time." Midnight replied.

"Lost track of time? I've been worried sick!" You exclaimed.

"We know, that was why we tried to come back as fast as possible." Toothless cooed.

"Just don't do that again, okay?" Hiccup looked at both Night Furies as they nodded. 

"What's going on?" Valka asked, as she descended down the stairs.

"We thought that we lost Toothless and Midnight, but we didn't." You replied as Valka nodded slowly.

"Is there anything else I need to know?" She asked, glancing at the four of you.

"She's getting suspicious." Toothless stated.  

"Of course she is." Midnight rumbled quietly.

You shot Midnight a look, but when you looked up at Valka, she had kept her eyes on you. "Well?" She quirked a brow, waiting for a response. 

"Well," you sighed, "a few day ago when Midnight and I took our trip, we found a necklace. I got a bit curious, so I tried it on. It- um, it allowed me to hear Midnight's thoughts. Not just her but all dragons."

To prove your point, you pulled the necklace out of your armor, letting it hang in view. Valka walked closer, looking at the clear gem and the tiny metal dragon. "Where'd you find it?"

"In a stream." You answered, looking up at Hiccup. He had a worried and anxious look in his eyes. "Hiccup and I are the only ones who can understand dragons." You told her, as she held the gem in her fingers. "Cloudjumper, though. He's really fond of you."

You smiled as she took a step back. "You- you can hear him?" 

You and Hiccup nodded. You took her hand and led her out the back door, as Hiccup followed after you and his mother. Once outside, you noticed that the stars were sparkling against the dark sky. You smiled as you whistled for Cloudjumper.

 He came down the roof, tilting his head in curiosity. "Is something wrong?"

"Ah, no. Everything is fine. Tell me, what do you think of your companion, Valka?" You asked.

"Well, she's the best companion I could ever ask for. The past twenty years were the best because she was there. I wouldn't have anyone else but her." Cloudjumper tilted his head once more.

Hiccup had repeated what Cloudjumper had said, causing Valka to gasp, covering her mouth as she laughed in disbelief, her green eyes growing  glassy as she looked up at Cloudjumper. He bent down to Valka's level, releasing a soft purr as she cupped his face, smiling in awe.

"I can't believe it." She whispered, pulling back to look at you and Hiccup. 

"You better believe it." Cloudjumper cooed softly.

"He said you better believe it." Hiccup smiled, causing you and Valka to laugh.

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