Chapter 46

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"Wake up, sleeping beauty." Arlo stated, banging on the wooden door. 

Your eyes slowly fluttered open, and you had sighed quietly, noticing that you were still stuck in the cell. When you had sat up, there was a metal tray that held an apple and a banana, which was weird. You usually got stale bread or a piece of questionable meat, and a cup of water. 

This was different, but you decided not to question it as you picked up the apple, saving the banana for later. You hummed in contentment, chewing the apple which was freshly delicious. It wasn't rotten or even bruised, but freshly ripe and juicy. 

You had stood up to stretch your stiff limbs, your body not being used to sleeping on cement, after all it wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world (especially sleeping on a thin layer of hay). You had leaned against the left side of your body on the wall, looking out towards the ocean as you ate the rest of your apple. Once finishing, you moved to place the core on the metal tray.

"Do I at least get to wash myself clean?" You looked up at Arlo. "I've been stuck in armor for a few days now, don't I at least get to keep myself clean?"

"No." Arlo replied in a blunt mannor.

You frowned as you sat back on the hay, back against the wall. You looked around absentmindedly until you saw a rock beside you. Your mind had sparked with an idea as you taken the rock and rubbing the side against the ground. If you got it sharp enough, maybe you would be able to saw away the shackle. It was a long shot, and it was going to take a lot of time.


"You called a meeting!"

"You never done this before!"

"What is going on?"

"Is this about Midnight and her companion?"

"Silence please!"

All the dragons had quieted down as Toothless gave a nod in appreciation. "I called a meeting because my mate and her companion are missing as you know. It's been a few days since their disappearance and it is not looking so good. My mate will be delivering younglings - eggs soon, and we need to find them before she does deliver the eggs."

"We shall search for them!" Hookfang grumbled. 

"We all should." Stormfly squawked in agreement. 

"I can't go without Hiccup." Toothless flashed his tail to the other dragons. "Without him. I cannot fly."

"Toothless? What's going on?" Hiccup asked, walking into the academy to see all the dragons gathered around. 

"He called a meeting!" Meatlug shook in excitement.  

"Meeting? A meeting for what?" Hiccup asked, walking closer to the dragons.

"A meeting to search for yours and Toothless' mates." Blech crooned, which earned a bite to the neck from Barf. 

"Wait, you all were going to go look for them?" Hiccup asked the dragons in bewilderment. 

"We need to find your mates!" Hookfang rumbled with a snort.

"Your mate is important to you, is she not?" Stormfly tilted her head to the side.

"Of course she's important to me! The reason she left was because she needed a break was all!" Hiccup explained in a rush. "She just needed a break, even if...even if it takes a few days."

"Do you really think that?" Toothless challenged.

Hiccup looked at the dragons, seeing that they all were staring back at him. 

"You know that they would have been back already, and they're not. Something is wrong and you know it, I know it." Toothless firmly addressed Hiccup. 

Hiccup had sighed, running his hand through his hair. "You're right. Okay, we'll go looking for them." This made Toothless' sour mood lift a bit. "Just let me round up the gang."

With that said, Hiccup jogged out of the academy. 


"Okay, listen up!" Hiccup announced, catching his friends' attention. Once collecting his friends, they all regrouped back at the academy where their dragons had been waiting. "As you all know, its been a few days since [Name] and Midnight left. I gathered you all here to help search for them, I included. Mom already knows know about the search, so saddle up your dragons and meet me outside of the academy in less than five!"

As they had gone their separate ways to fetch their dragons, Hiccup and Toothless made their way outside.

"Do you think we'll find them?" Toothless glanced up at Hiccup.

"I have no idea." Hiccup admitted in an exhale. 

As Hiccup mounted Toothless, Valka who had been waiting, walked over to Hiccup with Cloudjumper at her side. "Stay safe, all of you."

"Don't worry, we will." Hiccup assured her, and with the riders behind him, they all had taken off.

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