Chapter 8

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Once you all moved above the academy, people began to file in, pumped up and excited to watch the race. Valka sat in the chief's seat, as Gobber sat beside her.

You and the rest of the gang then lined up at your nets, waiting for Gobber to blow the horn. Everything and everyone then grew quiet, anxiously waiting to see what would happen next.

You gripped the saddle tightly, bending forward, as Midnight arched her back slightly, getting ready to take off. After what felt like hours, but what was only actually a few moments, Gobber blew the horn, signalling that the race had begun.

Midnight quickly shot forward, as well as the other dragons did, following right behind. People began to go wild as you scanned the island below, searching for any sheep. Just then, your gaze locked onto a sheep, which was running for cover, trying to hide behind a bush.

"Over there!" you shouted, pointing to the sheep.

Midnight quickly flew, angling herself to fly sideways a bit, making a U-turn towards the bushes. Midnight then unleashed her claws, quickly snapping up the sheep, who cried out in terror.

As Midnight flew over towards the nets, you spotted Hookfang who also had a sheep clutched in his claws.

"Fly right under Hookfang," you commanded.

Midnight then flew forward, rising up as you leaned up with your hands above you.

Midnight quickly shot forward, causing you to quickly snatch the sheep from Hookfang's deadly clutches.

"Hey! You're a cheater!" Snotlout exclaimed.

"You would've done the same," you shot back.

Once Midnight reached the nets, you both had dumped the sheep into your net. Midnight quickly swerved around, gazing at the grassy land from below. She quickly spotted a sheep which was in between two houses, and without warning she dove straight towards it. You gripped the saddle tighter, as Midnight quickly swooped up the frighting sheep in her claws.

As Midnight flew over back to the nets, Snotlout flew around the corner and swooped the sheep right under Midnight.

"Snotlout!" you shouted.

"Karma's amazing isn't it?" Snotlout laughed, as Astrid flew in unexpectedly and snatched the sheep from his arms.

"Hey!" Snotlout exclaimed, as Astrid flew off laughing.

"Karma's amazing isn't it?" you laughed, leaving Snotlout in the dust.

Astrid maneuvered Stormfly between houses, trying to lose you. You could hear the people cheering, causing you to look back, seeing that the twins and Fishlegs had dumped sheeps into their nets.

"Alright, girl lets disappear," you stated, as Midnight nodded.

As Astrid kept flying in and out in between houses, she turned around smiling, seeing that you weren't in sight. As she flew closer to the nets, ready to dunk her sheep into her net, you quickly appeared jumping over Astrid, snatching the sheep and dunking it into your net.

"[Name]!" she shouted.

"Sorry! It was my sheep in the first place!" you winked, as she glared at you playfully.

As Midnight flew beside the nets, you took a quick glance at the nets, seeing that Astrid and Fishlegs were in the lead by six, the twins at five, Snotlout at two, and you by three.

After a few minutes, you spotted Eret down below watching the race. You quickly flew downwards, stopping momentary to speak to him. "Mr. Ferret! When is the black sheep going to be released?" you asked.

"Right," he smiled.

Just then, the black sheep was launched into the air, causing Astrid and Snotlout to quickly fly towards the poor, helpless sheep.

"Up! Up! Up!" Astrid chanted, as Snotlout ordered Hookfang to fly faster.

Then, a night fury screech was heard, but it wasn't from Midnight. This caused the people to go in an uproar as Toothless and Hiccup quickly snatched the black sheep in mid-air, causing Astrid and Snotlout to almost collide into one another.

And things just got a whole lot more interesting...

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