Chapter 27

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"The necklace fits you."

You quickly jumped up, startling Midnight as you began to look around frantically. "Who's there?" You asked aloud, scanning your surroundings as Midnight did the same.

It was silent for a few moments until you heard the voice again.

"I don't hear a thing."

You quickly whipped your head in another direction, trying to locate the source. You swiftly pulled out your swords from your back, tightening your grip as you gazed around. "Whoever you are, come out now." You demanded, scanning the trees that surrounded you.

"[Name] there is no one here."

You quickly spun around to see Midnight roll her eyes, huffing in annoyance.

"Settle down, no one is here."

You gasped as Midnight whipped her head up to look at you.

"You can't...wait...can you understand me?"

Your eyes widen as you dropped your sword, taking a step back as Midnight's eyes grew large.

"You- you can understand me?"

" can talk?!" You exclaimed.

"You can understand me?"

"Yes! I can can understand you! How is can I hear you in my mind?!" You asked, running your hands through your hair. "I think I might be going crazy."

"You are not going crazy."

"I need help. I need Gothi, or just need to sleep this off. Maybe I hit my head too hard as I rolled down the hill." You mumbled to yourself.

"That's enough of the crazy talk!"

You quickly snapped your attention to Midnight, who had her gaze on set on you.

"You are not going crazy. I do not understand how you can hear or understand me, but we'll get answers."

You nodded as you picked up your sword, strapping it back in place on your back. "Okay, I'm not going crazy." You muttered as you looked up at Midnight. "But if I can understand you so suddenly, than something must've happened just now to make me understand you, don't you think?"

She nodded. "I suppose you're right."

You then tried to backtrack your footsteps, thinking of what might have triggered your mind to connect with Midnight's. As you recalled your steps you stopped, looking down at the necklace.

"What is it?"

You then pulled the necklace off, as Midnight tilted her head in confusion.

"Say something." You commanded but heard nothing. As you put the necklace back on, you heard her.

"Can you hear me? Why won't you answer?"

"I can hear you now. I think it's the necklace." You stated. You then repeated this a few times, taking off and on the necklace to test your little theory. You were right though, you had to wear the necklace in order to understand her. "Yeah, yeah it's definitely the necklace." You breathed. "How is this possible? H-How could the necklace make me understand you?"

"I have no idea." Midnight shook her head.

Just then you heard a twig snap, causing Midnight's ears to perk up.

"We are not alone. Something or someone is here with us."

You then pulled out both your swords, holding them close as you looked around.

"They went this way!"

That was not Midnight's voice. This one sounded more deeper, more male than female. Just then, Toothless jumped out of the bushes, causing you to jump in fright as you heard Hiccup calling Toothless' name.

"Toothless, you would not believe what happened." Midnight cooed as Toothless came closer.

"What happened? Are you both alright?" He asked.

"We're fine." You breathed.

Toothless snapped his attention towards you with wide eyes.

"She can understand us?!"

Midnight cooed in agreement.

"She can? You can?" Toothless asked.

Before you could reply, Hiccup had stumbled through the bushes, breathing in a sigh of relief as he saw you three.

"Hiccup, what are you doing here? You know what, don't answer that. You won't believe what happened." You stated as Hiccup walked towards you.

"What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly, as he checked you for injuries.

"Hiccup, I'm fine. Listen-"

"[Name] your forehead is bleeding." He stated, seeing that you had a bit of blood by your headline.

"No stop! Dammit Hiccup I can speak to dragons!"

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