Chapter 57

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"What? I don't understand." Valka furrowed her brows in confusion. 

"Wait, what exactly is going on?" Hiccup asked, raising a brow. 

"The day that I left," you began. "Midnight and I were captured. I was knocked unconscious, so I wasn't aware where they took me. When I woke up, I was placed in a cell." Hiccup frowned at this. "Then later on, a man came into the cell and it ended up being Drago's twin brother."

Hiccup's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Twin brother? He has a twin?!"

You nodded, "He does. He was basically kept in the dark, and no one knew about him except for his people and when Drago died, he decided to rise up and seek revenge. He's coming to destroy Berk with a dragon army."

Valka's facial expression turned to one of terror as Hiccup shook his head. "Dragon army? When is he coming?"

"Tomorrow." Arlo replied, stepping beside you. "We don't have much time. You need to inform your people."

"Okay, I will," Hiccup shook his head in disbelief. "But, what dragon army? Drago never had one, he used the Bewilderbeast to control all the dragons at the sanctuary."

"I'm not sure," Arlo admitted. "I wasn't informed on the dragon army. The word spread around but I was never personally informed."

Hiccup sighed, running his hand through his hair, "Okay, we'll inform the gang first then we'll inform the village."

"You better do it quickly then." Arlo stated. "Cause we're about to head to war."


As Hiccup quickly gathered up the riders, you, Arlo, Midnight, and Cloudjumper ended up waiting inside the academy. Cloudjumper wanted to tag along the moment you came back.

"Are you all right?" Cloudjumper glanced down at you in concern.   
You nodded, smiling faintly. "I'm fine."

Midnight glanced in your direction, and before she could comment, Hiccup walked into the academy with the riders following behind him.

Astrid was the first to spot you, rushing towards you to bring you in a hug, with the others following soon after. They ended up squeezing you tightly, and since it was a group hug, you couldn't go anywhere but you didn't mind. You had missed them.

They greeted Midnight too, showering her in compliments and caresses which pleased her to no end. 

Once everything slightly calmed down and the introductions were over (you introducing Arlo to them and vise versa), the riders ended up being riled up again and began to question you all at once, causing Hiccup to take charge. "Okay, that's enough. Questions later. Look, we don't have much time. We are at war. Drago has a twin brother. Yes, I know it may seem bizarre, but it's true."

"Are you serious--" Astrid cut Snotlout off by punching him in the arm.

"As I was saying," Hiccup continued. "He was the one to kidnapped [Name] and Midnight. He's the one coming to destroy Berk tomorrow with a dragon army."

"Dragon army?!" Snotlout exclaimed. 

"Drago has a twin?!" Tuffnut asked. "Talk about crazy. Seriously! I mean..." Tuffnut shook his head in bewilderment. 

Ruffnut patted his shoulder. "I'm with you, brother."

"Tomorrow?" Astrid rose a brow. "What dragon army is he bringing?"

"We don't know." Arlo answered. "All I know is that he's coming tomorrow. We all need to be prepared, or Berk will be burned into ruins." 

"What do we do now?" Fishlegs asked, worry seeping in his tone.

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