Chapter 49

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"What in Thor's name is going on?"

They all had turned to see Hiccup and Toothless.

They fell into silence as Hiccup rose a brow. "Well? Is someone going to tell me?"

"We were arguing." Astrid told Hiccup. 

"Over what?" Hiccup asked. 

"Last night when we went to look for [Name] and Midnight, I had said to Snotlout that he was right about [Name] running away." Astrid explained. "I didn't mean it of course, I just wanted him to regret what he had said. I know that [Name] just wouldn't up and leave, because she's not like that."

"Astrid wanted to know where I taken off this morning, so I told her I went to search for [Name] on my own." Snotlout told Hiccup as well. 

"On your own?" Hiccup asked, as Snotlout nodded. "When?"

"Around dawn." Snotlout answered.

"I also sent Fishlegs and the twins on patrol." Astrid admitted. "To keep an eye out for [Name] or Midnight."

Hiccup had sighed, rubbing his forehead. 

"They're just trying to help." Toothless crooned at Hiccup. 

"Okay, no one goes out searching out alone and no one patrols around Berk without me knowing, okay?" Hiccup told the riders, who all nodded. "I get it. We all want to find and go search for them, but we can't do that if we're all doing different things without the others knowing, all right? If we're going to do this, we're doing this together, no ifs or buts about it. Do we all agree?" Everyone nodded in agreement once more as Hiccup gave a nod. "Good. Now you're all free to go. We'll search for them later this evening." 

They all nodded as they split in different directions, and Hiccup had sighed and let his shoulders sag in exhaustion.

"You did good." Toothless nuzzled Hiccup's hand in comfort.


You paced back and forth in your cell, trying to figure out who was treating you properly. Someone here was going against Dagon's orders by giving you more fulfilling meals and soapy buckets to wash of all the dirt and grime.

You noticed that Arlo would leave for a minutes before taking his place and guarding the front of your door.  By estimating the minutes of how long he took, and how much he left during the day (which wasn't often), you knew that he must've taken small breaks (or potty breaks for that matter). But when he was gone for a long period of time, another man or woman would come and guard the door. When the strange woman would come, she would look at you with pity which you didn't like.

You didn't see Arlo do much, but you guessed he did whatever he needed to while you were asleep. If it wasn't Arlo, then who was it? You did sometimes pretend to sleep to see who the person was that was treating you this way, but the problem was that you would actually fall asleep. And when you did wake up, everything would be there and it would frustrate you to no end. 

You were going to find out. When? You had no idea.


As promised, Hiccup and the gang went out to search for you, while Valka kept watched over the village. After about two hours or so, Hiccup and the gang arrived at an unknown island, which was quite big. Hiccup had quickly sketched the island on his map before putting it away.

"Okay, we will all be splitting up into two. Snotlout and Astrid, Fishlegs and Tuffnut, and Eret and Ruffnut." Hiccup stated.

"Wait, why do I have to be paired up with Astrid?" Snotlout asked.

"Because you two need to make amends." Hiccup replied. "Plus I know that Hookfang and Stormfly would break you guys up if anything happened, right?"

Hookfang and Stormfly bobbed their heads in agreement. 

"What about you? You don't have a partner." Astrid told him worriedly. 

"I have Toothless, so there's no need to worry." Hiccup assured her, as Toothless crooned in agreement.

"Why not pair the twins up?" Fishlegs asked out of curiosity.

"Because something bad will happen if those two are together." Hiccup stated as the twins made a noise of disagreement.

"That's understandable." Fishlegs nodded, scratching his chin.

Tuffnut scoffed. "You guys act like as if we're gonna blow up the entire island. That's impossible."

"Well, you make the impossible, possible." Fishlegs pointed out, as everyone else nodded in agreement. 

"Plus, you all have your dragons with you!" Hiccup assured them with a smile. "So everything should be okay. Barf and Belch can go with Tuffnut. Ruffnut, you'll have Eret and Skull Crusher."

"Okay." Ruffnut sighed, as Barf and Belch moved over to Tuffnut. 

"All right, now that everyone is paired up, split up and search the island for any trace or clues that might suggest that the girls could've been here. Lets move out!" Hiccup stated, as everyone began to wander in different directions with their partner. "Okay, Toothless." Hiccup released a breath. "Lets go looking."

He and Toothless then wandered into the trees.

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