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~ Kyle ~

Kyle's PoV

As usual, I walk up to hug Y/N after I get home from work. She immediately turns around and holds out her hand.

"Do not touch me Simmons." She growls and points a finger at me.

"What have I done now?" I whine. She gets out a wrapping which originally had chocolate in it, which I may have eaten

"Explain why all my cooking chocolate is gone." She says, handing the wrapper over to me.

"Umm... I got hungry." I mumble in reply.

"Kyle! I was going to make a cake with that chocolate!" She shouts. "Just... go entertain yourself with other things until I'm out of a mood with you." She sighs.

"Y/N I'm sorry I didn't m-"

"Don't bother with apologies Kyle, you knew fine well that chocolate you ate was my cooking chocolate!" She shouts. "Just go! Go somewhere so I don't have to look at you." As soon as those words left her mouth I immediately felt guilty. I sigh and head upstairs to the bedroom.

Kyle - Dan, I fucked upppp. I ate Y/N's chocolate, what do I do??

Dan - Go buy her some more. Buy her some flowers, some chocolate, a movie she loves. Maybe even tickets to see a concert... If she's really upset again, just get her stuff that'll make her happy.

Kyle - Thanks Dan

"I'm heading out to the shops!" I shout through to the kitchen. No reply. "I'll be back in half an hour or so!" Still no reply. I sigh before leaving.


I head up the aisle with all the cooking stuff. I grab a couple of bars of cooking chocolate, some icing and Nutella. I head along to the flower section and grab a bouquet of flowers. I grab some more chocolate, a film and a book.


I get home and walk through into the kitchen. Y/N is not there. I get the things out of the shopping bag before finding Y/N. She's not in the front room, or in my music room, or the attic, or the bedroom. I check the guest bedroom to see her drawing.

"Still in a bad mood with you." She mumbles, not even looking up.

"I bought you more chocolate, and a film and a book." I whisper. She slowly looks up but shakes her head. "I guess I'll just have to eat the chocolate." Her eyes slowly narrow. She gets up slowly and walks up to me.

"You eat the chocolate and I'll end your life." She whispers before heading downstairs. I slowly follow her. She is standing in the kitchen looking at the different bars of chocolate. I wrap my arms around her but she immediately tries to remove them. "Just because I'm in a better mood doesn't mean you can touch me."

"No matter what you say I'll always give in to the temptations of hugging you." I whisper.

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