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~ Dan ~

Every summer for Woody's birthday he has a garden party with food, booze and cake. You always look forward to going so you can see Chrissy. Chrissy has been your friend for as long as you can remember, this friendship started in nursery, not too sure how but you've been great friends since. You also look forward to seeing this one person in particular. His name is Dan, a singer of the band Woody is in, and a very attractive guy. You talk to him every year at this party, things just don't escalate into what you wanted.

It is nearing 10pm. You were still outside with a few others, watching the sun set so the fireworks could be lit when it was dark enough.

"Long time no see Y/N." A voice says to your left. You turn around and smile as you see Dan, a beer in his hand and a childlike grin on his face.

"Long time no see Dan." You laugh as he pulls you in for a hug.

"We really need to meet up more often, once a year isn't good enough." Dan says as you both pull away from the hug. You nod in agreement with a small smile. "So how's things?"

"Things are good I guess. I moved back to London quite recently after the break up of this long term relationship I was in." You sigh.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Dan mumbles but you shake your head.

"Don't be, it's fine." You smile. "How about you? How's life?"

"Yeah, it's brilliant actually. I guess everything is currently going to plan with writing songs and the new album." Dan replies. Every day Bastille (the band Dan and Woody are in) are getting much bigger. You do keep tabs on the band to see what's happening every so often. "You should come to one of our shows!"

"Nah you wouldn't want me to be there." You state and he shakes his head.

"I'm dragging you along to one." He grins. You didn't argue back because even though you refused, you really did want to see them live.

"I think it's time for fireworks!" You hear Woody shout in the background. You turn around and watch as they light the fireworks. You feel an arm wrapping around your waist, making you jump slightly.

"I thought you might've been cold." Dan mumbles, his face tinted a light pink. You nod and lean into his side slightly. You both watch the first lot of fireworks go screeching up into the air, followed by a loud bang filled with colours. Everyone else had gone inside to watch them but you two. "I think we should meet up more often, especially since you are back in London. Do you want to go out to dinner sometime or even just a coffee?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" You smile. Dan looks down at you with a goofy grin and nods. "Dinner would be nice then."

"Really?" Dan asks and you nod. "Wicked, um, tomorrow okay for you?"

"Tomorrow is completely free." You grin. Dan hums in reply and you both go back to watching the fireworks.

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