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~ Charlie ~

Your PoV

Friday night is the night you and your best friends (often with their boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and husbands) go out to pubs. Most of your single friends attempt to see how many guys they can pick up. You, also being single, do not do this yet you still get unwanted attention.

Tonight wasn't any different.

A tall, heavy built man with tattoos up and down his arms wouldn't stop pestering you. He bought you drinks which you refused, you clearly weren't interested and he didn't get the message.

"So I'm heading back home now." The man starts. "If you want to, y'know, come home with me." His hand ends up on your leg and he begins to caress it.

"Remove your hand, I am clearly not interested." You growl at him. Yet he ignores you and his hand travels further up your leg. He then passes your boundary and you slap him. He pulls his hand away and look at you shocked.

"How dare you." He grits out before gripping your wrist and pulling you up.

"Let go of me!" You scream. He begins pulling you to the exit, your friends nowhere in sight. You then hear a voice.

"Leave her alone!" Another man shouts. A voice you do not recognise to be one of your friends, or anyone you know at all. Suddenly the man let goes of your wrist, leaving red marks from where he gripped you. You peer over the tattooed man to see a slightly smaller, skinnier man.

"And who are you? Her boyfriend?" The man taunts.

"No, I'm just a stranger. Now please leave her alone before she gets hurt or anyone else." The bearded man tries to calm down the large man. Before anyone could blink or comprehend what was happening there was a loud crack. The man who was taking you away started to attack the other man. People were screaming and moving away from the fight that was taking place. The smaller of the two begins to fight back but ends up on the floor covered in his own blood. The large man runs out of the pub and into the dead of night, leaving the whole pub astonished at just what happened. The bartender begins to shout at people to leave and everyone complies immediately. Eventually it was just you, the man that tried to save you and the bartenders. You slowly walk up to where the man was lying and bend down. He smiles slightly when he sees you.

"Are you okay? What the hell were you thinking trying to fight him?" You ask.

"I'm in pain but I'm fine knowing that you're okay." He smiles. "Charlie Barnes, yourself?"

"Y/N Y/L/N." You reply. He nods, still smiling.

"I was planning on speaking to you slightly earlier in the night when I saw you arriving but you were with a very large group and I didn't want to embarrass myself. I guess I did regardless." He chuckles and slowly sits up. He gets his phone out and takes a look at himself. "That's gonna hurt in the morning."

"I'm a first aider, my house is just a couple of blocks away if you want me to fix you up." You suggest.

"Ah no it's fine." He smiles.

"No I insist Charlie, you helped me and I want to help you." You smile and give him your hand to help him up.

You both walk in silence back to your house. When you did arrive you got him to sit down and you went to get your first aid kit.

"Would you like some water or some juice or something?" You ask and he shakes his head. You sit down and bring out a disinfectant wipe. "This will sting a little." You whisper and you wipe his face, getting rid of any blood. When you get to the first gash he flinches slightly. However, when you get to the gash above his eye he let out a moan of pain.

"Fuck that stings." He mumbles.

"I'm sorry." You quietly whisper. "You're very lucky you don't need stitches." You mumble. You place a plaster on the gash on his cheek. "There, much better." You smile brightly. He stares at you for a second before smiling back.

"Thank you Y/N." Charlie beams. "My face hurts still."

"Yeah, it will for awhile. It's getting late..." You mumble.

"Yeah." Charlie says and slowly gets up. "I'm going to call a taxi home, nice meeting you Y/N."

"Before you go, could I get your number maybe? Take you out for a coffee?" You ask hopefully. You watch the small smile appear on his face as he nods. You both exchange numbers and wait for Charlie's taxi to arrive.

"Thanks Y/N for fixing me up. I'll see you soon for that coffee yeah?" Charlie smiles.

"I'll see you soon Charlie." You smile, waving goodbye as he heads for his taxi. You watch as the cab pulls away from the curb and disappears down the street. 

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