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~ Dan ~

"Hey Y/N... about date night..." Dan mumbles over the phone.

"Are you seriously cancelling again?!" You shout. This is the fifth time in the past two months.

"I'm sorry! I promise this is the last time!" Dan defends himself quickly.

"You said that the last time you cancelled!" You shout back. Dan sighs, you can see him now, rolling his eyes.

"I'm really needed at the studio Y/N, I have to be there." Dan explains.

"Fine. Go ahead, not like I planned everything to be perfect tonight." You mumble, hanging up. You burst into tears, placing your phone on the table. You watch as Dan tries to phone again and again for the next half hour before giving up. Sometimes you wish Dan never had this lifestyle, running back and forth from the studio and then going on tour for months on end. You sigh quietly and phone up Kyle, knowing he won't be at the studio today.

"Hello Y/N what can I do for you today?" Kyle's cheerful voice asks when he picks up.

"Come cheer me up." You mumble.

"Dan cancel date night again?" He asks.

"Yeah..." You reply.

"I'll be right over." Kyle says and hangs up.


You have been ignoring Dan for a week now. You're glad that he sees date night means a lot to you but you still aren't talking to him.

Kyle 🐈 ~ Wear something fancyish, we r going out 4 dinner X picking u up at 6pm, bring a jacket too tho cuz it's gonna be cold!

"It's going to be cold?" You mumble to yourself. You sit and question the multiple possibilities that will happen tonight but knowing Kyle it could be anything from flying to some random cold country for dinner to eating in the middle of a field. But he didn't say bring a passport so you remove the flying to another country from your list. You search for something 'fancyish' to wear and eventually pick something out.


Kyle picks you up at around 6pm. He's only wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"So much for dressing fancyish." You mumble which makes Kyle chuckle.

"Don't worry, I'll get changed." Kyle smiles at you and begins to drive. The journey is silent, other than when songs from yours and Kyle's childhood come on the radio. Growing up with Kyle was brilliant. That's how you met Dan was through Kyle. You met Dan at Bastille's first major concert, you remember there was a party and everything. Kyle claimed sparks were flying between you two from across the room. Kyle said he wasn't planning on introducing either of you until Dan asked him 'who is that chick across the room'. Phone numbers were exchanged, you both got pretty close until Dan awkwardly asked you on a date four years ago. Four years and six months. It was in America while you two were wandering about. Seconds after he asked he managed to get hit on the head by a football that some kid accidentally kicked. You feel yourself smile at the memory which makes Kyle look at you confused. "Y/N, out of the clouds, we're here." Kyle states. You look outside to a small looking garden people sometimes hire for small wedding ceremonies. You see one of the trees lit up with white fairy lights. "I'll escort you in but I'll need to come back and get changed okay?" Kyle smiles. You nod and get out the car, Kyle following quickly. He takes you into the garden. Underneath the tree is a small table with two chairs, a bottle of wine or champagne, two glasses and a candle in the middle of the table.

"It looks really nice." You smile.

"It does." Kyle smiles. He pulls out a chair for you and you sit down. "I'll be back soon!" Kyle shouts as he jogs back to his car. You take a look at the bottle to see champagne.

But Kyle's driving... and you don't really want to drink this all yourself.

That's when you hear footsteps. You look up to see Dan wearing a black suite, with a black shirt, a large bouquet of red roses and a box of your favourite chocolates.

"Hey." Dan mumbles, handing you the flowers and placing the chocolates on the table.

"Hi." You mumble back.

"Read the card." Dan whispers, pointing to the small card in the flowers. You pick it up and open it slowly.

  I'm sorry I am unable to spend all of my time with you, trust me I would love to spend every second of every day with you. I am extremely sorry for letting you down, I promise it will never happen again
Dan X

You look up at Dan who is staring at his feet. Slowly you stand up and hug him.

"I forgive you." You whisper. Dan hugs you back tightly and lightly kisses your cheek.

"Thanks Y/N." Dan mumbles.

After a wonderful dinner, Dan took you back to his apartment for a movie, allowing you to wear one of his t-shirts, a hoodie and a pair of his sweatpants. However, you both ended up sleeping on the sofa, leaving the movie to quietly play in the background.

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