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~ Dan ~
Dan's PoV

"Does Y/N know you're getting this done?" Kyle whispers after I explain the music video for quarter past midnight.

"Not exactly." I reply quietly. Kyle's face slowly widens in horror. "She won't mind."

"But shouldn't you not say to prevent a heart attack?" Kyle whispers. I shrug in reply before being dragged away to get make up sorted. I can hear Kyle running about, frantically shouting at the guys about how I'll have no hair and how the fans will go mental and how everyone's going to have a heart attack because it's going to be so different.

"He's just overreacting." I mumble to myself, trying not to let my nerves get the better of me.


"Stop it!" I growl at Kyle as he continuously touches my hair.

"But it's so weird." He mumbles. I watch as they sweep up the hair that was once on my head into a bag and then binned. "Don't look half bad though." He winks.

"Fuck off." I whisper, making him laugh. Will and Woody look at me from a distance, mumbling between themselves.

"Yeah, you still look fine, just a bit bald." Will shrugs. I give him a glare before sighing and picking up my phone.

"I'm going to head to Y/N's..." I mumble, walking out of the studio.


I stand outside her door, staring at it. I found my cap in the car, thankfully, so I can hide what's been done for just now. I loudly knock the door and wait. I hear Y/N shout something from inside before loud footsteps, they almost sound like she's running. After a couple of minutes the door opens.

"Dan! Not like you to knock." Y/N beams, giving me a tight hug.

"Yeah, I just didn't know if you were in, your car is gone." I state, looking over to the empty drive.

"Yeah, broke down." She sighs before pulling me in her house. "So what's with the sudden surprise visit? I thought you were busy with your music video or something?"

"Uh yeah, about that actually." I nervously chuckle. Y/N looks at me strange but stays silent. "So I maybe did something you may not like..." I mumble and slowly taking the cap off, revealing the buzzcut. I get no reaction from Y/N, making me panic.

"Sorry I'm just shocked." She whispers, taking a couple of steps towards me. Her hand reaches up and touches my hair, frowning slightly at the missing quiff.

"Do you not like it?" I whisper, feeling my stomach drop slightly.

"No, I do, it's just different. I mean, do you really think I found you attractive just because of your hair Daniel?" She asks, making me cringe slightly at the use of my actual name. I nod slowly which makes her smile. "I find you attractive as you. A haircut still doesn't change the fact that you're absolutely adorable and have an amazing personality and you're really handsome..." She awkwardly trails off. Both of our cheeks are heating up and I look to the floor in embarrassment.

"Thank you." I quietly whisper. Y/N quietly laughs and hugs me tightly.

"I think you look great Dan and I hope you're happy with your new hairstyle."

"I am."

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