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~ Charlie ~
Y/N's PoV

"Go away!" I giggle as Charlie presses his lips against my cheek multiple times before moving to my neck.

"Just a quickie?" He asks innocently.

"I'm studying." I laugh, pushing away his face. A quiet whine leaves his mouth before he climbs on the bed and hugs me from behind, light kisses being placed on my neck.

"Please?" He quietly mumbles, fiddling with my t-shirt now.

"Give it another hour, love." I whisper. This time it's a groan of annoyance that leaves his mouth.

"Why didn't you take the unconditional offer? Then you could've paid all attention to me." Charlie whispers.

"Because it's a better university." I reply. Charlie sighs again and rests his head on my shoulder, watching as I scroll through more revision.

"How about after you finish this topic and then I'll leave you alone?" Charlie suggests. It's probably the only way I'll get rid of him so I nod.

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