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~ Kyle ~
Kyle's PoV

"Now, Kyle, please don't go crazy." Dan says, placing his hand on my back as we enter the world buffet.

"How can I not go crazy?! Look at this place Dan!" I shout, getting stares from random families and people passing by. Dan face palms beside me as the rest of the guys disappear to find a table. I follow quickly, stopping to look at the food, only for Dan to drag me along with him. "You promise we go drinking after this though?"

"Depends on who gets food poisoning first..." Will quietly mumbles. We give him a glare and continue to search for a table, eventually finding one in the corner.

"Kyle, please don't go wild." Woody sighs when we sit down.

"I promise." I lie.


"How many plates did you even shovel in there?" Dan asks.

"About six." I reply with a shrug, spotting a colourful bar. I grab Dan's arm and pull him towards the bar, which causes the rest of the guys to hesitantly follow. Loud music is playing and people are dancing, if you count grinding as dancing however. "Now lads, whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." I beam and lose them through the crowd. It takes me about five minutes to get served but one minute to start enjoying myself. I can see Dan in the distance shaking his head as he watches me take a shot of tequila. I give him a thumbs up which he doesn't return. Kill joy.


The feeling of soft sheets comfort me and my hangover as I wake up. Head is pounding... I open my eyes and freeze.

"Where the fuck am I?" I whisper quietly. I look to my right and see a female figure facing away from me. "Shit shit shit shit." I whisper, sitting up to check out my surroundings. From what I could see it isn't my room but the same hotel. There are clothes scattered around the whole room, things must've got frisky last night... I hear the person beside me move and then quietly gasp. I turn to look at her and she stares in shock. She looks incredibly young... oh no...

"Hi..." She quietly whispers, pulling the duvet up ever so slightly, making it even more difficult to see her chest... not like I was wanting to see it in the first place.

"Uh hi..." I whisper, returning the greeting and giving an awkward smile. "I'm Kyle..."

"Y/N. This is really awkward." She awkwardly laughs. She turns around again and reaches down the side of the bed. I watch as she puts on a t-shirt and sits up more now she's covered. "Any recollection of last night?"

"'Not really, yourself?" I reply but she shakes her head. "You look quite young... I'm really hoping we didn't sleep together, I'd feel awful."

"I'm 27..." Y/N whispers.

"I feel really really bad, I am so sorry that I've ended up in your room and we probably slept together and-"

"It's fine don't worry about it. We didn't sleep together, just did other things..." She awkwardly whispers. How in the hell did I get myself into this situation.

"Coffee?" The words come out my mouth before I could even stop them. My hand quickly clasps over my mouth as she raises an eyebrow.

"You know what, I wouldn't mind that." Y/N replies, getting out of bed. "I would like to shower first if that's alright and then we can go? Coffee is good for my hangovers."

Is this how a one night stand is meant to end?!

Oh what have I got myself into...

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