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~ Kyle ~

You feel someone grab you making you scream.

"Boo!" Kyle shouts loudly. You turn around and push him hard causing him to fall onto the floor laughing. "Y/N don't be such a spoil sport!"

"Don't scare me Kyle! I told you I don't like it!" You whine, crossing your arms and pout slightly.

"Come on Y/N, cheer up it's October meaning scary month!" Kyle beams up at you. You shake your head and slowly help him up. "Fine I won't scare you."

"Promise?" You whisper.

"Promise." He replies with a smile.


You decided to take a short walk at the weekend in the nearby park. You were sitting on a bench beside the lake, watching as the ducks swim around quietly quacking to themselves. The air is quite cold and you're beginning to see your breath. You were pretty sure you heard a stick break but when you turn around nobody's there. You shrug it off and continue to watch the ducks.

"Boo!" You hear someone shout, slamming their hands on your shoulders, scaring the living daylights out of you. Immediately, you stand up to see Dan this time. In the background you see Kyle's head slowly pop out from behind a tree.

"Kyle Jonathan Simmons I'm going to end you!" You scream at him. You watch as horror fills his face and begins to run.

"Sorry Y/N, Kyle told me to." Dan apologies.

"I'll end you next after him." You threaten and begin to chase after Kyle. As much as you love your child of a boyfriend, he does annoy you just a wee bit.

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