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~ Dan ~

You wake up to someone shaking you, hard. You swat their hands away and open your eyes to see Dan. You see the clock, reading 6am.

"What the fuck Dan?" You mumble, trying to wake yourself up properly.

"Y/N it's snowing!" Dan shouts and opens the curtain. Over the course of the night, your window has managed to gather a lot of snow. The bottom half was completely covered in it.

"Is that all you woke me up for?" You ask, and Dan nods frantically.

"Well, that, and to tell you I love you." Dan shrugs. You roll your eyes and shuffle back under the duvet. "Come on Y/N! Let's go out in the snow!"

"Dan, I got in from work at 1am, can I at least sleep in for another couple of hours?" You ask. Thanks to the snow, half of the roads were closed and there was at least three car crashes, which added another three hours onto your journey. Dan frowns but begins to take off his jacket and kick off his shoes. He clambers into your bed and hugs you tightly. "Why?"

"You want to sleep and I know how much you love me hugging you." Dan mumbles, burying his head into your neck. You sigh and hug back, slowly falling asleep in his arms.


This time you wake up before Dan. You check the clock and it reads 11am.

"Dan." You quietly whisper, but he doesn't stir. You roll your eyes and lightly poke his cheek. He quietly groans but stays asleep. You poke his cheek again which causes him to smirk slightly.

"Y/N leave me to sleep." Dan whispers.

"But Dan, it's snowing!" You whine, mimicking him from a few hours ago. He opens his eyes and glares at you. "Come on babe, that's why you woke me up."

"But I just want to sleep in your bed all day with you." He whines. Slowly you escape Dan's arms and he frantically tries to pull you back. You get out of bed and stretch.

"Come on Dan." You smile. He shakes his head at you and pulls the duvet up over his head. "Alright, I'll just leave you." You shrug, grabbing one of his hoodies you've stolen and putting it on. You run downstairs to make yourself something to eat, considering whether to make Dan something or not. You hear quiet shuffling from behind you before a blanket is wrapped around your body and Dan's chest is pushed into your back.

"Do I have to drag you back to bed?" He mumbles into your neck.

"I'll come to bed if you go out in the snow with me for at least an hour." You state. Dan quietly sighs but agrees.


Dan looks over at you like a wet, lost puppy. His hair is soaked, water dripping from it onto his forehead. You won the snowball fight and Dan is extremely unhappy about it as he always wins.

"You want to go inside?" You ask with a small smile. Dan nods sadly and makes his way to the back door. "Take off your stuff, you're not going in there with soaked clothes just to ruin my carpet."

"It's freezing!" Dan shouts back at you. You shrug but watch Dan enter your house anyway. You roll your eyes and follow him, making sure he is taking off his wet clothes so he doesn't trail water around the house. The house is nice and warm when you enter, Dan's glasses have steamed up making you laugh. "Do I still have a spare pair of clothes here or have you been prancing around in my t-shirt again?"

"No I haven't actually, they are in the wardrobe. But take off your clothes in here and put them in the washing machine." You tell him. Dan frowns at you but proceeds to take off some of his clothes. His anxiety often gets the better of him when he's around you because he doesn't think he's 'good enough' for you. "The t-shirt too." You state, watching as it drips.

"I can take it off before my shower." Dan states.

"But it will drip everywhere!" You whine. You reach out and attempt to pull off his t-shirt. "Come on Dan, you know I don't care about what you look like, you know I love you anyway." Dan frowns and takes off his t-shirt completely. "Thank you."

"Come shower with me." Dan states.

"Is it my reward for winning?" You smirk.

"Sure." Dan shrugs.

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