Wedding Party

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~ Dan ~

Your parents recently contacted you asking about a wedding you may want to attend. They didn't tell you who it was but you assumed it was a family friend as you were in contact with your cousins and siblings. You were told to be in California in three weeks.

During those three weeks you found yourself a dress that wasn't too expensive.And you booked flight tickets and a hotel room for the week before. The hotel you were planning on staying at is where the wedding party will take place. All of the guests have been told to book a room there if they are staying for awhile. You still have no clue who's wedding you are going to.

You arrive at the hotel to be greeted by your parents. They moved out to California a couple of years ago.

"Can you please tell me who's wedding I'm attending?" You ask them.

"It's one of your dads friends. We just thought you might want to come along and meet some new people." Your mum smiles. All along it was a plan to make you socialise. You roll your eyes before heading up to your room. On the way up you walk past a man with a beard who smiles at you. You smile back before stopping outside of your room and unlocking it.


Throughout the whole ceremony you really still had no clue who was getting married. You caught the grooms name to be Paul but didn't catch the brides. You notice the man who smiled at you last week was sitting in the same row as you but on the other side of the room. He was beside a girl, a really beautiful girl with blonde hair. There is a guy with long hair beside a girl with short hair. However, what attracted you most to watching this ceremony was one of the best men. He was tall, wore glasses and has an interesting hair style. Throughout the whole ceremony you glimpsed towards him for a brief second before glimpsing back at the actual wedding that was happening before looking back at him. You accidentally made eye contact with him before immediately looking away. A few seconds later you look back to him and he's still staring, a small smile on his face. You have to find out who this man is.


The newly weds have a car waiting outside to collect them and take them back to the hotel for the reception. The guests, on the other hand, have to get into a private bus that was hired. Normally the drive would be about thirty minutes, but unfortunately the wedding party struck traffic. You decided to sit in the middle of the bus, not too far away from the front but far away from the back where everyone was shouting loudly. Ten minutes or so into your journey someone sat down beside you. You look up to see the best man.

"I don't believe we have met before, I'm Dan." Dan smiles and offers his hand to shake. You take his hand and shake it.

"Y/N." You smile back.

"So how do you know the couple?" He asks you. He takes off his glasses and places them in his lap. Okay you weren't expecting him to look even better without glasses on.

"Um... my parents somehow know Paul." You reply. "How about you?"

"Paul's our sound engineer. He's a great guy." Dan smiles.

"You're in a band?" You ask and he nods proudly. His eyes light up as he begins to talk about the band. About twenty minutes into the journey you were joined by the man you smiled at.

"Daniel, stop pestering the- oh hello again." The man smiles brightly. "You were the girl wandering about the hotel."

"Yeah, nice to see you again. I'm Y/N." you smile.

"Kyle." He replies. "As I was saying, Dan stop pestering the poor girl."

"I'm not pestering her Kyle. Well, I don't think I am." Dan whispers before running a hand through his hair. He immediately turns to face you. "Am I pestering you?" You shake your head causing him to smile.

"Anyway, I'm gonna head. Great seeing you Daniel, don't fall for him Y/N he's arrogant." Kyle warns me with a laugh, before heading to the back of the bus.


Much to your dislike, you end up saying goodbye to Dan. He had to go do other things and you, also, had to go do other things. Before the proper party started after dinner, you went up to your room to refresh yourself. As you head back down you meet Kyle.

"Oh he won't shut up about you. He's only known you for a couple of hours." Kyle tells you. You feel yourself smile slightly.

"He's a very nice guy." You reply. Kyle rolls his eyes before continuing his rant about Dan. Before you leave the corridor to all the rooms he stops you.

"Dan would like to meet you outside in about five minutes for some fresh air." Kyle tells you. You nod with a small smile and watch Kyle disappear back to the party. You decided to head outside to wait for him. It was fairly dark outside, then again it is 10pm. You could hear the music blaring from the party. You watch the shadows of a pair of teenagers run about giggling before disappearing behind a bush. You hear the doors open behind you causing you to turn around. You see Dan walking out with a large smile.

"I guess you got Kyle's message." Dan says and you nod. "Aren't you cold in that dress?"

"Dan, its height of the summer right now. It's still extremely warm." You laugh.

"Hey, I was hoping you'd say yes so it gave me the chance to be a gentleman and romantic and stuff." He laughs.

"Thank you Dan, but I'm fine." You tell him with a smile. You listen as the music changes to a much slower song. You hear Dan groan in annoyance. "What's wrong with this song? It sounds amazing."

"It's one of my bands songs. I don't know what to do when they come on." Dan replies, looking at his feet.

"Dance with me." You whisper. He looks up confused but you take his hands and place them on your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck and you both begin to slowly dance to the music. "If that's the song your band does, your voice is amazing."

"Thanks." He mumbles and looks down at his feet. You both continue dancing until the song finishes. Dan then takes your hand and leads you round to the back of the hotel which has a garden. You walk about in silence for a while. You could feel tension building up in the atmosphere as you both sit down on a bench. The next thing you remember was Dan's lips connecting to yours for a second before pulling away quickly. "I-I'm sorry. I'm j-just gonna g-go." He stutters and gets up, leaving you alone.

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