First Kiss

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~ Kyle ~

< Back in the days before the band was famous >

It was just another day of running about after this band for your summer job your dad got you. Always running about after one in particular as he always got distracted. This mans name is Kyle Simmons, cat enthusiast and keyboard player. He kept you on your toes, finding something new to look at every ten minutes. You would say you were both pretty close with each other. He was not bad looking either. A lot of flirting takes place whenever you both get some time to talk, the sitting right beside each other, sometimes you get to cuddle on the couch if you are both chilling. The rest of the band dislike the tension that is created whenever you and Kyle are in a room together, they can all sense that you are both head over heels for each other. But you and Kyle are none the wiser that you both have feelings for each other.

It's another day of chasing Kyle around a different venue, he claims there is something 'awesome' in one of the rooms. Dan says they've never been before to this venue so who knows what Kyle is on about. After about five minutes of running after Kyle, he pulls you into a random room. Before you could close the door or react in any shape of form, he kisses you. You freeze... slowly your arms are around his neck, his hands placed on your hips.

"I really like you Y/N." Kyle mumbles once you both pull away. "Do you maybe want to go out for dinner sometime?"

"Yes." You whisper. Who knew a summer job would land you into going on dates with one of your favourite people you have ever met!

~ Will ~

You both have been dating for a while now. Coming up to two months, you've never really shown any affection at all apart from holding hands. At the start of the relationship Will stated that he'll take something further when he believes it's comfortable for both of you. It has been driving you insane for a week now. Will was coming over for dinner tonight, normally you went to his for a movie and dinner but this week it's yours. You didn't really know what to make so you made pasta. The film you chose for tonight is a favourite. Will has spoken about watching it and enjoying it in the past. So, might as well watch The Godfather. Will arrives on time, hugs you as always and sits down at the table.

"What have you prepared chef Y/N?" Will asks, trying to get a look into the kitchen.

"Oh just some pasta and my famous garlic bread." You reply.

"Sounds delightful! And what film have you chose for us to view after a fantastic dinner?" Will asks.

"The Godfather." You tell him whilst bringing the pasta bowls through before running back to get the garlic bread.

"Looks marvelous." He smiles before beginning to eat. "Tastes just as good as it looks." You just smile in thanks before also eating.


Most nights when you watched movies together, you would both be on your own side of the sofa, but tonight was different. Will took the approach of cuddling, which you happily accepted. You feel his eyes on you causing you to look up.

"What?" You whisper.

"You're just so beautiful." He mumbles, his thumb stroking your cheek lightly. You both lean in and your lips met. It lasted for a few seconds but felt like a lifetime. You feel a small smile form on your lips before your lips met again for a much longer and passionate kiss.

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