He Gets Hurt

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~ Dan ~

Dan always climbs stuff during concerts. He hasn't fallen off anything but tonight was the first time he did. This has probably been your seventh time seeing them live and Dan managed to fall off an amp. The concert had to be stopped. Dan broke his ankle. You immediately rushed backstage to see Dan. There was a medical team surrounding him, one phoning an ambulance.

"Dan, what have I told you about climbing stuff." You frown.

"I know but you don't understand what it's like." He mumbles before wincing as someone touches his ankle. "I have a need to climb stuff, I get nervous on stage." You just sigh and wrap your arms around him.

~ Kyle ~

Kyle can be a fairly clumsy person so it wasn't unusual when he hurt himself. This time he managed to get a large cut up his leg.

"What did you even do Kyle?" You ask.

"You know those bramble bushes outside. I was cutting them down and I caught my leg." He mumbles, wincing as you begin to clean it.

"Sometimes I think that I should be doing all the jobs about here with the amount of times you've hurt yourself." You mumble.

~ Charlie ~

"Y/N!" You hear Charlie shout.

"Yeah?!" You shout back.

"Come here a minute!" He shouts. You head to the back room to see Charlie standing with blood dripping from his finger.

"What did you do?" You whisper, pulling him to the bathroom to clean it up.

"I cut my finger on the guitar string." Charlie whispers.

"You got to be more careful when you're messing about with the strings." You sigh.

~ Will ~

Will doesn't really injure himself often. Maybe once every couple of months. But when he's out drinking with the guys, he is more likely to get hurt. Tonight was one of those nights. The door opens to your apartment and you hear Dan and Will talking.

"Y/N kinda important!!" Dan shouts. You rush out of bed to see Dan and Will. Will is standing with a burst lip, a bloody nose and a black eye is slowly forming.

"What happened?" You whisper.

"Your boyfriend managed to get into a fight." Dan sighs, placing Will down.

"The other guy started it." Will huffs.

"Thank you Dan for bringing him back, I'll get him cleaned up." You smile. Dan says his goodnights and heads back home. You go grab a cloth to clean up the blood from Will's face before grabbing some ice for his eye. "I really can't believe you, out of all of Bastille, got into a fight."

"Yeah, I know." Will mumbles, "but it was the other guy that started it."

~ Woody ~

Woody is terrible for getting himself injured. Whether it was watching the football, playing football, cooking or just being outside in general.

The band were down at a festival and they all decided to play a game of football. Well, it was more Kyle and Woody's idea as they found a random football. You got the phone call around 3pm saying that Woody has broken his leg after playing football. This is the second time he's broken his leg while playing football.

"Dan, tell him that I'm going to kill him when I see him next." You tell Dan who had broken the news to you.

"She's gonna kill you." You hear him saying to Woody. "He says he knows and he's really sorry and he wants you to come visit him as soon as possible." You roll your eyes but agree to go see him, even if it means driving an hour to the hospital.

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