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~ Charlie ~


You continue to hide yourself under the duvet just hoping it would go away. A fear of loud noises and thunder storms aren't a great combination at all. You see another flash of lightning and prepare for the bang. It happens immediately, directly above your house. The loud rumbling continues for what seems like forever, not even stopping when the next flash lights up your room. You're pretty sure you hear your door open but you're too scared to care.

"Y/N?" You hear a recognisable voice call your name. You feel your duvet being pulled away. When it's eventually pulled out of your grip a flash of lightning shows who it is. Charlie. You scramble for the duvet as you hear the loud rumbling beginning again. "Hey calm down, you're okay." Charlie mumbles trying to stop you from panicking. You've been dating for just over a year. You went on holiday to America just before your one year anniversary and the thunder storms out there were hellish. That's when Charlie found out about your fear of loud noises. You watch as he takes off his shoes and gets into bed with you, pulling the duvet back up. You hide your head in his chest as another loud bang freezes you in terror. He quietly hums to you, rubbing your back to hopefully calm you but the thunder keeps constantly scaring you.

After what seems like forever everything stops. You look up to Charlie and he looks back down at you with a soft smile.

"I thought I might come over and try keep you calm for awhile." Charlie mumbles.

"Thanks." You whisper, your voice still shaky from fear.

"It woke me up actually. I knew you probably wouldn't be sleeping at all because you panic too much." Charlie whispers, lightly kissing your forehead. "We should sleep, there's to be no more thunder for the rest of tonight." You nod your head and hope he's correct.

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