I'll Protect You

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~ Dan ~

"Y/N...why do you still talk to me?" Dan is you're extremely anxious, self-conscious friend. You've known him for nearly ten years. Every so often he questions the friendship.

"I'd rather waste all my time with you than someone else Daniel, that's why." You reply. "Cause you're my favourite person in the world." You see Dan smile slightly out of the corner of your eye.

"You're my favourite person too." Dan mumbles. Dan has stuck by you when the whole world has been against you. You've stuck with him when the whole world has been against him. You both did the smallest of things to help each other out.

* * * *

Movie nights are the things you do often. Both of you have a slight obsession with movies. You're not really keen on horror movies but Dan loves them. This was probably the most scariest one you've watched since Saw.

"Dan I don't like it." You whisper, burying your head into his chest. He wraps his arms around you tightly. You hear screams come from the TV causing you to shake. Dan's fingers lightly trace patterns on your back, attempting to calm you.

"It's nearly over." He whispers. There was then silence from the TV. No noise or anything. Someone begins to speak haunting words. "It's not real Y/N, it's okay." Dan mumbles. The thing about certain horror movie is the directors are so good that they make the things happening almost believable and real. But the ones that are based off true stories are the most terrifying cause it has happened and a likely chance happening nearly every day. The TV falls silent before hearing the haunting music for the credits. Dan turns off the TV and pulls you off him. "Are you okay?" You shake your head. "Do you want me to stay over?"

"Please..." You whisper. Dan's never stayed over once. There's never been a need or reason for him to but tonight is when you needed him to be beside you.

~ ~ ~ ~

1am. Your alarm clock has always been about five minutes behind. You sigh slightly and stare impassively at the clock.

"Can't sleep?" You hear Dan mumble.

"No." You whisper back. You turn around to face him, you can just make out his features.

"I'll make sure I don't find such a scary horror film again." He tells you. His arms slowly wrap around your body and bring you close to his chest. "I'll protect you from the scary monsters." He whispers. He places a light kiss on your forehead and before you knew it, you were sleeping.

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