Ice Skating

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The Bastille Christmas jumper this year looks pretty good tbh. However I'm trying to save for a trombone so I don't think I should buy the jumper... (bet you guys in like the next chapter I'll have bought it 😂). Happy December 🎉

~ Dan ~
Dan's PoV

"Let's do this!" Y/N shouts, dragging me over to the ice rink that is put up every year at the Christmas market.

"Eh, I can't really skate?" I mumble. Bastille on ice has always been a disaster, it's been cursed ever since Kyle broke his arm the first time we all went ice skating together. Y/N looks up at me, clearly pleading to me with her eyes that she wants to go ice skating. "Please, I'm scared." I whisper down at her.

"It's just ice Daniel." My nose automatically scrunches in disgust with the use of my full name. Y/N gives me a small smile and takes my hand. "C'mon it'll be fun, you won't die trust me." She beams.


"It'll be fun she said. You won't die she said." I mumble to myself, staring down at my now broken leg. Y/N comes through with a mug of hot chocolate and sits it down beside me.

"How's your leg?" She mumbles, guilt clearly written across her face.

"It's fine." I reply, clearly lying which Y/N picked up. She looked like she would cry at any moment.

"I'm so sorry like, you have no idea how sorry I am. I was an idiot suggesting to go ice skating when you even said you were scared."

"Hey, Y/N, please don't work yourself up over it. Accidents happen okay? It's not like I'm going to stop loving you because you suggested something that broke my leg." I reach for her hand and grasp it tightly. By this point Y/N was crying, she is very unable to cope with guilt.

"Come here." I whisper and pull her over slightly. Slowly she collapses on me, hugging me tight. "I love you okay? The broken leg wasn't your fault, so please don't be upset." She mumbles some incoherent words but calms down.

I'm never going ice skating again...

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