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Also still a big bop

~ Dan ~

Your PoV

You look through your phone at all the memories you have with your friends. From when you went on tour with your best friends in Bastille, to just hanging around. But things haven't been great lately. Dan is currently talking to some girl and has been ignoring you, Kyle is dating a new girl, Woody is spending time with his kids and wife, Will is on holiday with his girlfriend and Charlie is working on new music, leaving you completely alone and it's tearing you apart. Especially without Dan, who is your anchor, keeping you from drifting off. But it's been a week since he last replied to your texts. He's been through so much with you, supporting you every step of the way, but once another girl comes along he is away talking to her 24/7. It sucks, but that's life.

You've felt like this for awhile, not really wanting to chat with the guys. You feel that they are forcing themselves to talk to you, they have better things to be doing. But enough is enough. Moving away, losing contact seems the best option. Maybe find friends who won't ignore you for some random girl who isn't actually interested in them, only their money.

Y/N ~ I'm leaving the country to start fresh, thanks for always being there for me.

You send the text to Dan, grabbing your suitcase and getting into your car. You listen as your phone repeatedly buzzes, but ignore it. You don't want to break your heart even more.

Dan's PoV

"Kyle, get to the airport and somehow find Y/N." I immediately tell him as he picks up.

"Why?" Kyle asks.

"She's not thinking straight, I can't get there as quick as you. Please Kyle." I beg. He sighs and hangs up the phone. She isn't even reading my texts... I grab my car keys and throw open the door, only to be met by Audrey.

"Hey babe." She smiles.

"Not the time." I mumble, pushing her out the way as I run to my car. She stands there, clearly upset, and watches as I drive away.


I arrive at the airport, neither Kyle or Y/N are to be seen.

"Where are you?!" I shout down the phone at Kyle. She can't get on that plane.

"Don't worry, I'm with Y/N. She's very upset. Come to the small Starbucks." Kyle replies calmly. I sigh in relief, she's probably missed her flight by now. I walk along to the Starbucks and quickly notice Kyle, Y/N is facing Kyle. I slowly approach and sit down with them. Y/N is in tears, with Kyle tightly holding her hands.

"Hey." I whisper, lightly placing my hand on her arm, but she pulls it away. I look over to Kyle who sighs.

"I should leave you two to sort this." He mumbles, letting go of Y/N's hands. He gets up with his coffee and leaves us at the table.

"Please tell me what's wrong?" I ask. Y/N takes a shaky breath, but tears begin to roll down her cheeks faster. "I'll take you home."

The full car journey was silent, other than Y/N's heartbreaking sobs which would escape her lips every couple of minutes. She gets out quickly when we get to her house, frantically trying to open the door. She probably can't see because of her tears. I unlock it for her, and she runs in.

"Y/N, I just want to know what's wrong. Please tell me." I whisper. She can't stop crying as she sits on the staircase, holding her legs tight to her body.

"You don't care about me." She whispers, before beginning to cry hard again. "You ignore my texts for some slut, who just wants your money, even when you know I'm upset about something. I'm meant to be your best friend Dan!" She shouts at me. All I can do is stand and say nothing, I was completely clueless. "I thought that if I moved away you would be happier, you didn't need to force yourself to talk to me and we lose contact and I meet new people and become happy again." I quietly sigh and walk over to her, sitting down on the same stair as her. I wrap my arm around her and pull her into me close. She doesn't get comfortable like she normally does, or lean into me. She sits there stiff as a rock.

"I didn't realise." I whisper. She wants to interrupt me but I hold up my hand. "You are my best friend, I don't force myself to talk with you, I care about you so much. Do you think if I didn't care I'd come to get you at the airport?" She quietly scoffs at this, she knows I'm right and that I do care but doesn't want to admit it. "I would be miserable if you left."

"No you wouldn't." She whispers. Her crying has stopped, but her eyes are red.

"I would. You don't realise how much you mean to me. You're seriously my favourite person in the world, and I've been an idiot recently ignoring you." I tell her.

"I'm sorry Dan." Y/N whispers, leaning into me more.

"I'm sorry too." I mumble, giving the top of her head a light kiss.

"But why? Why have been ignoring me?"

"That's a story for another day..."

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