Telling Him You're Pregnant

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~ Will ~

You stare at the positive sign on the third pregnancy test. You wanted to be sure and bought 3 different pregnancy tests. One came up negative but the other two were positive. You both always had protected sex. Maybe it was a faulty condom that broke? Either way you have to tell Will eventually. Somehow. You don't know how. Announcing a pregnancy is difficult. You know Will is accepting but you've never had a talk about children. This is when you go to the only person you can trust with this stuff, Chrissy, Woody's wife.

"Chrissy. You can't tell anyone I told you this." You whisper into the phone. Will is upstairs sleeping after playing at a festival. "I'm pregnant." You hear a gasp come from Chrissy.

"Seriously?!" She whispers.

"Uh huh. How the fuck do I tell Will?" You ask her.

"I don't know Y/N." Chrissy sighs. "If it was me, I'd just straight up tell him. Easier said than done though. I believe you can do it. I got to head though, Woody's just pulled up from the shops." After saying your goodbyes you hang up. You hear Will making his way downstairs and you prepare yourself to tell him. He comes into the front room and hugs you.

"Hello." He mumbles into your neck.

"Hi." You whisper back. "I um...have something to tell you." You pull away from his embrace and sigh slightly.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Concern fills Will's face.

"Um...I'm pregnant." You whisper.

"Really?" Will grins and you nod. He hugs you tightly. "I thought you were going to scare me with bad news. That's fantastic Y/N! We're going to be parents!"

~ Dan ~

You shake as you see the positive sign on the pregnancy test. You've never been one to take panic attacks, until now. Neither you and Dan are ready to be parents. Neither of you are ready yet. You hear Dan come home after a day of rehearsing with the boys. Hopefully it's been a good rehearsal.

"I'm home! Y/N?!" Dan shouts. You can't speak. You continue to stare at the positive sign, shaking. Tears begin to blur your vision as you begin to hyperventilate listening to Dan coming up the stairs. Everything becomes a blur from then on. You remember looking up to see Dan looking down at you.

"Hey what's wrong? What's that?" He asks pointing at the test. He kneels down beside you and takes the test out of your hands. You hear him gasp. "Why are you crying about this Y/N?! This is great news!" Dan shouts and hugs you. You begin to sob into his chest. You don't know if it was a happy cry or just a relieved cry. Maybe a bit of both. "If this ever happens again don't cry, please, I don't like to see you cry. Just tell me."

"I'm sorry Dan I was just so scared in case you didn't want to have a baby." You whisper.

"It's fine. I know it's something we haven't talked about. I'm over the fucking moon! We're going to be parents Y/N! Parents!" Dan shouts before helping you get up. He hugs you tightly again, grinning wildly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Daniel." You laugh.

~ Charlie ~

You were extremely calm about the whole thing. Your period was about a week and a half late. So obviously this worried you slightly but you left it a few days just in case it was late. Two weeks late came around the corner and that's when you started thinking. You approach Charlie when he gets home from work about the whole thing.

"Charlie?" You ask.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Have you been using a condom?"

"Um yeah...why?" He slowly asks. You leave it a few seconds for it to sink in. "Are you pregnant?!" He whispers.

"Possibly. I'm two weeks late." You reply.

"Go buy a test! Don't get me excited yet! I want to know for sure!" Charlie shouts getting up. He then drags you to the car and drives to the nearest chemists.


"How much longer?" Charlie asks.

"Give it another few seconds." You reply. You both were waiting for the pregnancy test to come through with its results. You pick it up and see the plus. "We're pregnant!" You shout. "Well, I'm pregnant!" Charlie doesn't say anything, tears were sparkling in his eyes as he hugs you tightly.

~ Woody ~

Woody was away on tour when you finally discovered you were pregnant.

"Hey Woody." You smile as he picks up the FaceTime call.

"Hey beautiful, how's things back home?" Woody asks.

"Brilliant, how's tour?" You ask.

"Yeah it's been okay. Just missing you." Woody replies.

"I've booked something in about 9 months time. Something very important." You smile.

"Really, what? So I can book the diary and make sure I'm not away?" Woody asks you.

"Take a guess Christopher. What takes the period of 9 months?" You ask. You hear someone in the background gasp and then see Kyle come into the picture.

"No way!" Kyle shouts.

"Shut up Kyle, let him figure it out." You laugh. Woody sits there confused before he finally realises.

"Really?!" He shouts. "You're pregnant! No way! Y/N are you serious?!" You nod smiling. "I'm gonna be a dad! No fucking way! Dan! Will! I'm gonna be a dad!!" You hear shouts of congratulations in the background. "I can't wait to get home! Why does it have to take 9 months, I want to meet the baby now."

"Patience Chris. Patience." You smile.

~ Kyle ~

You and Kyle have been trying for a baby for a year now. You've tried everything yet it fails. Today's pregnancy test is your last hope. Kyle has been touring the U.K. for a month so you haven't had any sex for a month. He's coming home tonight. You watch the test for what feels like forever until finally it comes out positive. You nearly collapse out of shock. You're pregnant. You want to phone Kyle there and then but you wait until he gets home.


Kyle gets home around 9pm. He engulfs you in a tight hug as soon as he gets through the door.

"I've missed you so much." He mumbles, lightly kissing your neck.

"Kyle, I have some news." You smile. He steps back from you and waits. "I'm pregnant." His hands immediately cover his mouth, tears began falling down his cheeks.

"Really?" He whispers.

"Uh huh." You smile as your eyes blur with tears. You've never been hugged so tight in your life after telling him

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