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Can confirm I now know what it is like to be drunk/be around a drunk boyfriend so hopefully this chapter is now more accurate. (I probs wrote this about 6 years ago when I would've been 15ish, now I'm 21).

~ Dan ~

You decided to take Dan to a friends party. It was a bad idea. You introduced him to your best friend's husband who took him away to talk about stuff. You don't know what kind of stuff but the next time you saw him he was steaming. Completely off his head drunk. Drunk Dan is confident Dan. Overly confident Dan... He approaches you and wraps an arm around you.

"Hey babe." He whispers before giggling. "You know, you're really really really hot."

"Dan, you're really really really drunk." You tell him with a smirk. He shakes his head immediately. "We got to get you home." You sigh before phoning up a taxi. You take Dan outside with you to wait on the taxi.

"Y/N..." You hear Dan whisper. You look over to him and he smiles at you. "I can climb that fence." He states and points over to the 6ft tall fence.

"No, you can not." You tell him. "Dan! Get back here!" You shout as he begins to make his way over to the fence. He begins to climb it before falling off. You run over to him and see him lying there, his face screwed up in pain.

"I think I broke my arm." He whispers, almost becoming sober. You sigh and help him up. The taxi arrives and you both get in. You tell the taxi to head to the hospital instead of going back home. Dan is going to be in for a long night of pain.

~ Kyle ~

You decided to go see the guys at a concert in London. You knew they always got drunk after a concert, mainly because Kyle's texts make no sense. When you approached the guys after the concert, Kyle was already swaying.

"Hey babeeeee!" Kyle shouts.

"Hi Kyle." You smile. He runs up to you and hugs you tightly.

"How was the show?" He beams.

"It was brilliant." You reply. "You were obviously the best out there."

"You hear that Danny boy! I'm better than youuu!" Kyle shouts. Dan rolls his eyes and continues to talk to some members of crew. "Time to go home yeah?" He asks smiling.

"No Kyle, you've got to tour around the rest of the country." You frown. He begins to frown also.

"Really?" He whispers and you nod.

"I miss you too Kyle. You'll be fine, I'll FaceTime you every night and day okay?" You ask and he smiles. "I got to head home okay? I love you."

"I love you too." Kyle smiles.

~ Will ~
Will doesn't tend to get drunk often. Maybe if he's celebrating something but he doesn't enjoy getting drunk mainly because of the hangover.

He was celebrating something like the bands 5 year anniversary? He came home extremely drunk.

"Hey Y/N baby where are you?" You hear Will ask from downstairs. You sigh before getting out of bed. You head downstairs to see Will lying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey William, what time do you call this?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I get to name time?" He asks with a smile. "Coool."

"Also, what did you do to your Instagram page? Explain why there is thousands of Nicolas Cage's?" You ask.

"Because he's coool." He replies. After a couple more minutes of questioning him he fall asleep.

(Please tell me you all remember when there was like a million Nicolas Cage's down Wills Instagram. Like just the same photo of Nicolas Cage 😂😂) (i completely forgot about this until now omg)

~ Woody ~

You've only seen Woody really drunk once. Drunk enough to mistake a lamppost as a person and apologising when he walked into it. You're sure he then continued to ask it for its number to take it out to apologise. You had to pull him away from the lamppost and try to explain that it was not a real person. He was extremely upset about that. He thought he made a new friend...

~ Charlie ~

Drunk Charlie is the best Charlie. He's over emotional and just wants attention and hugs. He'll come home completely wasted and just snuggle into bed with you, showering you with kisses and hugging you. He'll eventually fall asleep as much as you don't want him to because of all the attention he gives you when he's drunk.

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