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TW: suicidal, SH, blood, depression themes.

Please speak to family, friends or a suicide hotline if you are struggling. It gets better I promise💖

Y/N's PoV

Dan is the friend who doesn't appreciate you as such. You both used to get along great until he met some girl last year. He asked you to come over today to help him with a couple of things around the house. Obviously you said yes when he asked, you always liked to help. It gave you an excuse to spend time with him.

You walk up to his apartment and knock the door. You wait a couple of minutes and there was no reply. Dan normally replies within seconds of you knocking. You knock again... still no answer. You head across the hall and ask for a spare key. After a few minutes of convincing the neighbour you actually knew Dan (consisting of showing them pictures of you two together) you got the key. You open the door and close it behind you.

The atmosphere inside the apartment was slightly eerie. It was cold and dark.

"Dan? Are you here?" You ask. You hear a quiet moan of pain come from the bathroom. You quickly get to the bathroom and nearly pass out. Blood isn't your thing.

There's Dan, lying in his own blood. The stench is unbearable.

"Dan?!" You shout. He slowly opens an eye.

"Y/N don't phone the ambulance please. Just let me die." He hoarsely whispers. You shake your head and phone for an ambulance. Dan begins to cry. This whole experience is slightly scary... You've never seen Dan like this before. You've known him for nearly ten years, you have seen his highs and his lows but never has he reached this low.

"Dan its going to be okay. The ambulance will be here in five minutes I just need you to hang on." You whisper. You feel tears forming in your eyes, a lump in the back of your throat but you ignore it. You kneel beside Dan and look at his wrists. "Why?" You whisper.

"I've had enough." He chokes out. "My life was ruined by that girl I met last year. I couldn't stop talking to her though." You slowly take Dan's hand, even if it means getting covered in his blood.

"You don't need her Dan. She was trouble from the start." You whisper. You hear the sirens of the ambulance approach. "Please just hang on for a while longer. I'll be back okay?" Dan nods slowly, closing his eyes again. You quickly get up and run outside to meet the paramedics. You rush them up to where Dan was and let them do their job.


You saw Dan next in the hospital. He was attached to an IV and blood was being supplied to him. You visited every day he was in the hospital.

"How are you feeling today?" You ask Dan.

"Better." He mumbles. "The doctor is hoping to get me off the blood in a day and hopefully out of hospital within the next two. He wants someone who I trust to stay with me for awhile until I get back on my feet."

"That's brilliant Dan!" You smile. "Are you going to get Kyle or someone to stay with you or?"

"I was actually going to ask you." He whispers. You feel your heart skip a couple of beats.

"Really?" You ask and he nods with a small smile.

"I thought you would be more fun to be around." Dan tells you. "And I know you don't mind sleeping in the same bed as me." He mumbles turning red. You were really sick one Christmas so you asked Dan to stay with you for a few days resulting in him sleeping in the same bed as you because you couldn't sleep. You smile slightly at the memory. "Is that okay you know... you staying with me or me staying with you."

"Yeah it's fine. I think for the time being we stay at my house, I do have a bigger bed." You laugh. Dan begins to smile, a proper smile compared to the small ones he's been giving you. He's slowly on the mend.

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