...That Time Of The Month...

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~ Charlie ~

Charlie was completely oblivious when you first started dating about these things called periods. He still is slightly confused about them. He only found out when you had really really bad cramps, like someone was stabbing you everywhere. When you eventually explained to him what was happening he made sure to do more of your house chores, cooked dinner and had plenty of soft blankets and movies to watch at night.

~ Will ~

Where to begin with Will. He knew something was up the minute you picked an argument with him over how he eats. The argument continued until you began to cry over nothing. This really concerned Will, especially when you ran to the bathroom. You've always been a person to never back down from a fight. So this obviously confused Will. Eventually you explained to him what was happening and why you were being a bitch to him and having mood swings. He understood and continued the conversation, eager to learn more to help ease any pain or mood swings. 

~ Woody ~

Your worst cramps happened when Woody was away on tour. A couple of days after you told him, flowers were sent to your door from a very fancy florists. There was a gift card for a lunch for two people and a card that suggested you should go out with a friend to take your mind off it.

~ Kyle ~

You've always been a very forward person, especially since meeting Kyle. When your cramps were at their worst you eventually told him what was going on. He sent you up to bed with a hot water bottle. Turns out he cooked dinner for both of you because he didn't want you to cook and he didn't want to order a carry out.

(Right, do people call them carry outs, take aways, carry aways or take outs?? Like I call them take aways but idk if it's a Scottish thing like what do Americans call it ??)

~ Dan ~

Dan walked in on you one week when you were just lying on the floor, curled up in a small ball, crying. Now, Dan has never been the greatest at comforting people, he's become better over time but he's still awkward. When you eventually told him what was wrong he headed out for a while. He eventually came back to find you still in your spot curled up on the floor. But he had bought you a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a box of your favourite chocolates and a movie to watch. You both sat up watching the film and crying at all the sad scenes, learning that Dan is a very sensitive person and will cry at movies.

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