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Anxiety hits me when it comes to meeting new people. What would they think of me?

I had to transfer school cause my mom, she got promoted and we had to move. But, I'm also happy to move. My old school was filled with toxic people.

I'm now looking at myself on my full length mirror. I can't belive I'm 18 this year.

"Lisa, are you done? Your gonna be late for school" I hear my mom calling me from downstairs.

I quickly grab my bag and jogged my way down the stairs.

"That was fast" She raise her eyebrows. I gave her a smirk and she rolls her eyes.

Before I could say anything.

"Of course it's Lisa" My mom quote my words that I always say.

"You know me so well mom." I joke

"I'm your mother." She said and pinch my cheeks. I love mom. She so cute. But, so protective and scary at the same time.



Mom drove me to school before going to her work. Like she always does back in my old school.

"YSJ Seoul High"

Guess this is my school now.

It doesn't feel that awkward walking alone on the school hallways. It feels normal for now. Hmmmm. I gotta go to the council office to know my class and other important information about this school.

The problem is. Where is the coucil office again?

There's many people walking down the hallways. I should ask one of them.

"Erm, excuse me" I ask this girl who looks friendly enough to actually talk to me.

"Um yes?" She smiles and tuck her hair behide her ears. She is very pretty not gonna lie,

"Do you know where is the council office?" I ask and she looks confused.

"Your new huh? Why do I feel like I seen you before?" She said. Actually speaking of that. I feel like I've seen her before too.

"Umm..." Im trying to think who this person might be. I definitely seen her before. Or she definitely looks familiar.

"Sorry, maybe I was just being weird. Yea sure. I'll bring you to the council office." She smiles again and guide me out the crowd of people.

I wish we could be friends. She seems soo nice. But, I bet she have her own group of friends.



"Were here. Ill go in with you" She offered and I nod. Whoever she is, she is making my first day better.

"Yes, can I help you?" A boy asked me. Looks like he is the student council president to me. Clean, neat hair and uniform.

"Hi, im a new student. Im here to know my class and get my timetable." I told to the boy.

"I see, can I get your name please?" He asked.

"Lalisa, Lalisa Manoban" I said and I hear the girl from before gasp loudly making me turn to look at her.

"Your, Lisa?? Damn I knew you looked so familiar!" She said. Wow, she is shocked. We met before. I knew it. She looks very familiar too.

"Yes," and her smile grew wider. Out of no where she hugged me tightly and Damn, I'm such an idiot for not remembering her name.

"Im Jennie! You know Jennie Kim?" She said and reality finally hits me. ITS MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND!

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