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"Okay listen to my plan." Jennie said as soon we stopped infront of Lisa's house.

"I'll go through the front door while you just find a way up Lisa's room. She has a pretty big balcony I think it's easy for you to get it." Jennie said

"Lisa's room is on the second floor. What are you talking about. Let's be realistic here. I'm gonna fall and break my back." I said

"Well... your not wrong. But you still need to try." She smiles

"Jennie... how the hell am I supposed to climb to her balcony... There's no tree.. her house building is soo flat. This is not some type of romance movie alright." I sighed.

"Okay fine... um... how bout this. I'll distract the maids in the house. You'll sneak in from the back door of the house." She said.

I gave her a seriously look.

"LOOK! JUST GO WITH THE FLOW" She rolled her eyes and walked out the car and slam the door.

I thought she got a plan? But, ill still do it though. I'm pretty sure her dad isn't in at this time. I feel like I won't get caught.

We both walked in the house compound and the guard stopped us.

"Excuse me, we're not allowing vistors anymore." The guard said.

"I came here to give Lisa back her clothes. I borrow her's that day when I came here." She said and she was holding a bag of clothes? I didn't know that. Hmm good job I guess.

"Oh, well. You can just give it to the maids. You can't bother our young lady anymore. It was an order from her father." The guard said

What the hell? What is her father planning to do with her? Keeping her lock up in her room like that?

"Um, like I said I just want to give her back her clothes. That's it. Is that too hard? I'm not gonna stay long anyways." Jennie said.

"It's not allowed. Besides.. isn't that boy a friend of Lisa's too. I feel like I remember your face. Your that boy right? The boy that always walked Lisa home? I remember you.. um.The boy who is making Lisa get into troble?" The guard said

Wait what.. Damn it he remembers me? Lisa is in troble because of me? Am I such a bad influence?

"What are you talking about?! He is my boyfriend! Why would he come to Lisa's house? You got the wrong person." Jennie snapped.

Woah what Jennie? I mean it's all her plan anyways right?

"Stop wasting my Time. I just want to return her clothes then we both will be out. We book a restaurant date later and we don't want to be late." Jennie said. Good acting skills Jennie.

I smiled and just agreed to Jennie.

"Alright fine. You will only have 20 minutes here. Then both of you be gone. Longer than 20 minutes I'll kick both of you guys out. Especially you young boy. I know you are close to young lady right?" The guard say.

Time to act Ten.

"You mean Lisa? I mean I am her friend. Is that wrong to have a friend? Plus isn't this already obvious that I'm in an relationship?" I said and put my arm around Jennie's shoulder.

He stays quiet and just allow the gate to be open for us. He stands and Watch us walk towards the door. I can still feel him staring at me.

"Get your arm off me right now" Jennie mumbled and elbowed my rib

"Ouch! Why did you do that?" I rolled my eyes

"The acting is over. Don't touch me again. I can't belive I said that. You owe me big time Ten.." She snaps. I just sighed and knock on the door.

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