27 (part2)

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Lisa's POV

I felt slight irritation throughout my whole body. I was so stiff and I can't move.

Where am I?

I felt very heated and my head was spinning.

I forced my eyes open but was shut back close cause of the bright Light that was hitting me in the eye.

Ok seriously. What is going on. I open my eyes again and tried to shade my eyes with my hands but then I can't even move my hands.

Are my hands tied together?!

I quickly turn to my back and my eyes widen.


She was lying down on the floor with her hands tied behide her back.

I immediately scream her name.

"JENNIE! WAKE UP!" I screamed and her eyes was Wide open but she close it again because of the bright Light.

She goarn.

"What the hell? I was having a nice nap" Jennie mumbled and was ready to go back to sleep but I kick her leg.

"Ouch! THAT HURT WHO WAS THAT?" Jennie yelled out with her eyes still closed.

"It's me you idiot. Open your eyes." I said

"I'm gonna go blind if I open my eyes. Why is it so bright?" Jennie asked not knowing what situation she is now.

"Just open your freaking eyes. Your not gonna go blind." Lisa sighed.

"Okay fine. But, I feel like I had a dream about being kidn- oh." As soon she opens her eyes. She was me with my hands tied her she startled and tried to move her hands

"What the?" She look behide her and saw that her hands are tied too..

"Wait... its not a dream?" Jennie pouts

"Does this look like a dream to you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you remember how you got here?" I asked

"Well, yea actually."

"Me too. Who was those men?" I sighed remembering what had happen earlier. My body still felt alittle sore.

"I feel like ive seen them before. You know I was walking home from school then-"

"Story time for later. Let's just get out of here. I don't even know where are we." I said and look around. It's just dark black shadows around the light were in. It's like were in an empty room with the spot light at us.

"Here. Lean your back at my back. I'll try to untie your knot" Jennie said.

"You can do that?" I asked

"No time for talking Lisa. Lean your back on mine fast." Jennie said

I did as she said and later I felt my wrist relax after she got off the rope around my wrist. I turn to look at her in shock.

"What?" She asked

"How did you do that?" I asked

"Talent" She smiles

"Get this off of me now." She said and I untie her rope and both of us stood up.

"Let's get out of here." I said trying to look around the dark room but the only light we see is the light shining at us.

"I think we're in heaven" Jennie said

She hold my hand and started walking.

As we took a step.

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