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"He hasn't been picking his phone." I sighed as I hugged my legs and rest my chin on my knees.

"Maybe he is still sleeping.." Jennie said as she put on her makeup.

"It's 4 am Jennie." I sighed

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Last night.."

"Okay.. what did you guys do last night?"

"We... talked... and... talked." I mumbled

"Anything else? Did he mention anything?" She asked

"Nothing. I don't remember if he did." I said

"Maybe you should go check up on him.." she said.

Maybe I should.

Did I do anything wrong last night? I called him over 50 times and he haven't answered.

"I'm going now." I said and got up from her bed.

"By the way, going somewhere?" I asked, I just notice she was in a red dress. Her hair is curled and she looks more fancy than normal.

"Oh! Um...." she kinda froze when I ask her that. I think I know where is she going...

"Enjoy your date." I smiled

"What? No... I'm not going on a date." She mumbles.

"Then enjoy your night with Taeyong, right?" I smirk and her cheeks got red.

"H-how. Did you know.." she mumbles.

"I'm you'r best friend Jennie you can't hide everything behind me." I said and walked out her room.


"He is not here?" I asked

"Nope. He haven't return back to our room since 12 just now." His roommate said.

What? Where did he go. Now, I'm worried. Why does he keep making me worry?

"Oh, okay then. Thanks." I said and force a smile to his roommate.

I walked away into the hallways.

I let out a deep sighed as my head runs wild. What is going on? Is he mad at me?

Why isn't he picking up his phone and where the hell is he?

I can't just assume things.

"Well, well, well," A voice echoes down the hallway.

My heart start beating faster after hearing that voice. I look around and nobody was there which scared me even more..

My steps started to become faster. Why is the hallways so long.

But, a strong grip grab my arms yanking me from behind.

I let out a scream. Oh shit! I'm going to die!

Suddenly, all I see was darkness. The person had cover my eyes with some type of cloth.

This is not going to be the second time I'm getting kidnapped.

I tried to push my way out. Using my hands to punch the guy that was behind me. My hands was suddenly tied from the back. So, I used my feet to kick him from the back but it didn't work.

"That's it." He said and my feet wasn't on the ground anymore. This man dares to lift me up over his shoulders?!!

"Let me go you freak!!" I yelled and scream for help.

UNEXPECTED | tenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now