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I read last chap's comments. Don't  worry guys. Things might change in the future. Maybe. But, It's good to hear u guy's opinion <3


Lisa's POV


"Young lady. You should get ready for school. The driver will be waiting for you outside by 7:15" a maid voice woke me up.

I goarn and roll over to the other side of my bed.

"Leave me alone..." I whined

"I can't  do that young lady. It's an order from your father" the maid said and I sighed.

I stayed quiet and hide under my covers.

"I'll just leave your uniform on your dresser." She said and I heard the door open and close.

She's gone.

I sigh again and push myself up from my bed.

Gee, im so lazy to go to school.

Even though  I am lazy as a sloth. I manage to get ready for the morning before rushing downstairs. Ignoring the maids that were calling my name to eat my breakfast with my family. I walk out the front door.

I saw the driver and ran towards him.

"I'm ready Let's  go." I stated and enter the car.

The driver looks shocked at my actions but didn't  hesitate  and listen to me.

"I'll be driving you to your school now. If you need anything. You can tell me." The driver said

"Okay" I reply.

On the way to school. I felt my tummy growling. Damn.. I don't  usually  skip breakfast. But, im hungry today. I just miss my mom's  home cook.

I'll just buy some food at school later.

I know I'm being rude to the maids in the house but. I just don't  like anything  that got to do with my father. I'm sure they are nice people but, I just have to get use to it one day.

When we arrived school. I was waiting for the driver to unlock the door so I can leave.


He ended  up passing me a container filled with mini sandwiches.

"Here, take this. I know your hungry." He said and my eyes open. Did he just gave me food.

"Um, is this supposed  to be yours?" I asked

"Yea, but it's my job to make sure your safe." He said and I raised my eyebrows.

"What are you my body guard?" I laughed

"Something like that." He said

"I don't  need it." I said and attempt  to pass it back to him but he unlock the doors.

"Goodbye Lisa. See you after school. Make sure you eat that alright."

"What about you?" Lisa mumbles. I felt bad for taking his food.

"I think your gonna  be late to school with you still stay in here" He said avoiding my question.

I sighed and thanked him one last time before leaving the car.

Enough  Lisa... Let's just go to class now.

When I was walking down the hallways I saw Ten with his friends so I wanted to say Hi to him but he didn't  notice me and walked off together with Johnny.

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