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Ten's POV

3 days later


Something is weird. I haven't seen Lisa all day. She wasn't with us at the table during lunch and I can't seem to find her at school gates.

Luckily i saw Jennie.

I ran up to there but she look stressed out.

"Hey, do you know where Lisa is?" I asked her.

"What do you want Chittaphon?!" She goarn when she saw my face.

"Um.. how you seen Lisa?"

"You and him are the same especially. Looking for us girls as if we care." She rolled her eyes. Damn, she must be in a very bad mood.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Goddamnit! Alright if I tell you where she is you have to do a favour for me.." She said. I raise my eyebrowns. Okay?

"Sure what is it?"

"Okay, can you tell Taeyong I said no."


"Just tell him Jennie said No. That's all"

No? What no? I want to ask her why. But i know she will snap my head off.

"Okay, ill tell him that"

"Thanks dude." She sigh amd about to walk away but I stopped her.

"Hey! Where is Lisa?" Did she tried to run away?

"Um yeah.. do you want to know where is she?"

What type of question is that? Ive been asking since 10 minutes ago.
I gave her a what the hell look.

"Okok fine.., She is at the library. But, I recommend you to not disturb her." She smiled before turning her back on me and walking away.

Why does everything today sound so weird. I closed my eyes and take a deep breath. I look to my left i hear girls mumbling my name. Ive been in this school for years.. can you move on?

I look to the right i saw a group of rookie boys giving me dirty looking like wanting me to leave school.

Grow up.

I turn my heels and walk back in the school buidling.

Jennie didn't want me to go to the library.

As if I can let Lisa be alone.

So, im going there.

Im wondering what is she doing.

On the way to the library, I notice something. Somebody was following me. Looking at me. I don't think its a ghost. Cause, I can feel its existence.

I walk slower to soften my foot steps on the empty hallway.

Ok I hear it breathing.

"I know your watching, show your self." I said.

If the person thinks Im dumb they would still be hiding.

I turn my head and saw a shadow behide the lockers. Gosh, why must you sneak behide me like that. I slowly walk towards the shadow. Who ever the person is it can't see me. My foot steps were very soft.

Is it seriously still gonna hide there?

I hit my fist on the locker right beside the shadow and she jumps with a squeals and covers her face.

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