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"Morning" I hear somebody said and I look up to see Class president's face.

"Morning Jungkook" I smiled

"Your quiet today" He laughs and I raised my eyebrowns

"Its 8 in the morning"

"I know but, usually you would be walking around school and talking to people. Now your just sitting and staring into nothing" He chuckled.

He was right.

Im just tired.

My brain is like fucked. Im not kidding.

"I don't know.. Im not feeling it today" I pout

"Or are you hangover?" He smirks

"The party was like two days ago" I rolled my eyes.

"Who knows"

Actually, I just didn't get enough sleep. I spend my night talking to Ten on the phone. Talking about what if we were singers and under those companies. I still remember that he said if he was a idol he would be the hotest one. I kinda agree but I can't let him be so cocky. So, because of Ten i didn't get enough sleep.

Or because of me talking to Ten i didn't have enough sleep.

"I just hope Mrs kwon doesn't come in for class" I sighed and close my eyes.

"Don't get your hopes up. She never misses class" Jungkook laughs making me mentally cry.


"Oh my gosh! I HATE THAT WANNABE JACK FROST SO MUCH" Jennie storm into the class grabbing everybody's attention.

"Why? what happen?"I asked

She looked soo stressed out.

"Why are boys soo difficult? I swear he is getting on my nerve" She goarns.

Jungkook look soo shooked

"Im not talking about you don't worry" Jennie pat Jungkook's back.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" I sighed and as she about to open her mouth..

Mrs Kwon enters the freaking class.


Ten's POV

The day before


"Ten, can you come here for a second?"I hear Mrs Park call me from the living room.

I sighed as I take a glass of water and walk out the kitchen.

I see her with My mother sitting down patiently.

I can already tell what their gonna talk about.

"Ten, please take a seat" My mom told me and I did what she said.

"So, honey.. You know the arrangement for You and Rosé-"

I roll my eyes. Not this again..

"- um.. were either thinking of delaying it because-"

"I wonder why" I sarcastically said

"-Of Rosé condition we wanted to make sure-"

"She is healthy for me?" I coldly said

"-but, we wanted to tell -"

"Tell me what? Im forced to marry Rosé?"

"For god sake, can you let me finish Chittaphon?!" My mother shouted. I was kinda surprise she used my real name.

UNEXPECTED | tenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now