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He fine

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He fine.


Is it normal to feel uneasy on a date.

For me obviously.. I never went out on a date before. Ten is my first. He is my first at everything,

One of my first friends in school, turn to my first lover, my first kiss, my first date..

I couldn't even eat my food right because of him. What is he doing to me?

I need help.

I started playing around my food and keep taking glances at him. Its not that the food taste terrible. Its delicious.

But, he looks more delicious.

"Lisa? Is everything okay?" Ten asked.

"Huh? What? Im okay." That surprised me.

"You seem alittle distracted." He chuckled.

I shooked my head and he smiles.

Of corse i would be distracted. Its all you idiot.

After a while. I finally finished my food.

Back to the silence.

"So..." Ten starts off.


"Let's go outside." He smiles


My heart beat keeps getting faster.

Especially when both of us walked out the restaurant to some type of secret garden.

The awkward thing is. Both of us was looking every where else expected for each other.

I actually can't take this anymore

I can't take this. I can't take this friendzoning aura.

I look around this place. Its very beautiful. Sea view with night lights with flowers everywhere.

He did pick a perfect place for a first date.

I really love it here. It really reminds me of a disney movie.

"Lisa, can you give me a chance?" He suddenly asked.

"What?, What chance?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Give me a chance. To start over." He said. I was actually confused. Why does he wants to start over?

"What do you mean?" I asked

"What I mean is. I've been a total jerk for the past months since I met you. I want to start over." He said

"I want you to forget all those time I've made you upset. I've make you wait." He said softly.

I small smile appears on my face.

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