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Lisa's POV


I'm leaving today. I'll be leaving this room.

I sighed as I clean up my bed for the last time.

I just packed clothing  and important  things there only. I left the rest here. I'm gonna come back soon. So, I don't  wanna leave this place empty.

Mom Is trying her best not making her tears fall of her eyes as she stands in front of my room looking at me admiring  my room one last time.

"He is here.. "she  said

I rolled my eyes and sighed

"I can't  belive im doing this." I mumbled

"It's gonna be the best for both of us" She said

"Stop saying that. I'm not gonna be any better  without you mom." I said coldly 

With that we both walk downstairs with that man standing by the door waiting for us. I mean me..

"Ah, Lisa. Ready to go?" He asked

"Never was" I said and hugged my mother tightly.

"Time is ticking. Hurry up." He rushed me and I was about to snap at him.


its my last time staying in this house with my mother. Why he gotta be such an ass?

"I'm gonna miss your cooking and your annoying-ness mom. Again. I can't  belive Im doing this." I said.

Tears of sadness just didn't come  up because I've been crying for days. I'm finally  accepting the fact.

"Your  stuff has been send to my house. It's just time for us to go." He said

"Can you Shut-"

"Lisa.. calm down" Mom stopped me.

"I really hate him" I whisper.

"Me too" She whispers back.

"I'm gonna be back here soon. So expect me alot" I said with a smile trying to keep things positive.

"Love you" She said and kisses my cheek.

I grab my last two bags and look at that human by the door.

"It's time to go now. Don't  worry too much. Lisa is gonna be take good care of" the man said to my mom.

"More Like im gonna take care of myself. Trust me to trust you guys? Please.." I mumbled.

The man sighed and walked out the door and I was behide following him. I keep looking back at mom.

Seeing her standing here with tears in her eyes.

I shake it off and saw, of corse the rich man's  car.

"Young lady"

The driver said as opens the door for me and I enter.

Young Lady? I don't  need this type of service. All I need is my mom.

That's  when my eyes started to ball out in tears.

Why doesn't  things like this has to happen to me.

I glance a look on my phone and saw a message  from Ten.

From: Ten👀
"I hope everything  is going alright. Don't  cry okay? Ill be here if you need me"

I need you alot.

UNEXPECTED | tenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now